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After the dolphins arrived at Minnesota Zoo, our animal Other improvements were a new heating and cooling system
care staff began a step‑by‑step process to introduce them to their for a better temperature‑controlled climate in the building year‑
temporary habitat. First, the animals were held in behind‑the‑ round, a high‑quality ventilation system that improves airflow for
scenes pools where they were carefully observed and monitored for both the animals and guests, new pool linings, replacement of
behavioral and health changes by Brookfield Zoo Chicago staff. fluorescent lighting with energy efficient LED lighting, and the
Then they were given access to the main pool. “Dolphins can be creation of accessible seating areas for people who use wheelchairs
sensitive to change,” said Gonka. “Some are confident and some less during presentations. The Underwater Viewing Gallery also
confident, just like people.” Each animal had a choice to enter the received a refresh, including new signage and lighting projections.
main pool. Some explored the main pool right away, while others Later this year, the Zoo is planning to install a 35‑foot‑
temporarily held back. diameter movable floor in the south holding pool. This will allow
A month later, when every animal had fully acclimated to staff to raise the lift along with a dolphin in a quick, low stress
its new surroundings, Minnesota Zoo guests were invited to see the manner for any medical care that may be needed.
dolphins in the underwater and upper‑level viewing areas. Then in “Although their environment is similar, they came back to some
late November, the dolphins began their Dolphins in Action pretty big changes,” said Gonka. “They stayed in the back pools
presentations, which were very popular. “They [the dolphins] were for about a week, then we gave them access to their main habitat.”
like rock stars,” said Gonka. “When they first opened up ticket sales New features were introduced slowly and one by one.
in January, they sold out through June.” “I was thrilled at how well they came through the transport
Ola was one of the dolphins’ biggest fans. “She would stare and how quickly they got back into a good rhythm back at home,”
through the gate at the dolphins and seemed to be mesmerized by said Gonka. “Within a day, we were seeing a lot of the old normal
them,” said Gonka. “Periodically, she would even share some of her socializing behaviors. They all look very comfortable.”
toys with them.”
The Minnesota Zoo staff were thrilled to see dolphins
there again and participated in some of the team activities
and training sessions. “They loved having both the
dolphins and our staff there. We were almost like family.”
Back at Seven Seas
The renovation of the dolphins’ Seven Seas habitat
was complete in early 2024. The dolphins returned,
but to a more enriching environment. “One of our
priorities in the project was to add a variety of dynamic
elements to the dolphins’ habitat to enrich their daily
lives,” said Dr. Michael J. Adkesson, president and
CEO of the Chicago Zoological Society and director
of Brookfield Zoo Chicago. These elements encourage
natural behaviors, including searching for food, playing,
utilizing their echolocation abilities, chasing objects, and
interacting with each other. These elements included:
• New rockwork structures with anchors
that can hold a variety of enrichment Contributing to the dynamic underwater environment, several built-in "bubblers"
items, such as floating objects were installed in the new rockwork, which can be turned on and off by animal care
specialists. The dolphins, including Spree (above), enjoy playing in the bubbles.
• A shallow sand pit where staff can hide
enrichment items or food; dolphins can use
their echolocating skills to find the buried objects The Seven Seas renovation was funded in part by
• Built‑in bubbler systems that release bubbles the Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois
into the water that dolphins can play with Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum.