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Raising Pascal

        When Pascal, a North American river otter pup, was born
        in THE SWAMP last January, he was blind, toothless,
        and weighed only 6.2 ounces. Animal care specialists
        noticed that his mother wasn’t making enough milk
        to feed him and he was immediately whisked off to
        the zoo’s Animal Hospital.
           Starting about a decade ago, the care of baby animals
        at Brookfield Zoo has been centered at the Animal Hospital
        with the zoo’s veterinary technicians, said Dr. Thomas
        Meehan, vice president of veterinary services in the Depart-
        ment of Animal Health and Welfare at Brookfield Zoo.
        Baby animals, particularly newborns, have a critical need
        for warmth, calories, and hydration, he said. They often
        require medical intensive care on par with that provided
        in a hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.
           “Pascal was a difficult case right from the beginning,”
        said Meehan. Since there was no commercially available
        baby formula for river otters, Watts had to create a formula
        with all the nutrition Pascal needed.
           “Our staff, including all of our veterinary technicians,
        were with him 24 hours a day.” Like Whitney, Pascal went
        home with someone every night and received around-the-clock
        feedings and care, said Meehan. He was kept in an incubator
        to maintain an appropriate temperature; a portable incubator
        traveled with Pascal to a staff member’s home each evening.
           “Our veterinary technicians have the skills set—the ideal
        combination of animal care, infant care, and critical care
        background—to get these guys off to a good start,”
        said Meehan.

                                                                                         BROOKFIELD ZOO | FALL 2022  15
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