Page 17 - Gateways_Fall2021
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• In a partnership with Easter Seals, Family Fun Saturdays Stuart worked hard to broaden our base,
provided young children who are on the autism spectrum which was primarily suburban, and find
and their families up-close interactions with animals. ways we could be more inclusive. He felt we
• CZS scientists, veterinarians, and educators met with needed to engage city residents—especially
residents of Misericordia/Heart of Mercy, a residential those in the less advantaged parts of
community for individuals with developmental disabilities. Chicago—and give them opportunities to
enjoy time at the zoo with each other, get
• The Good Works program provided vocational training for to know and understand animals, and learn
high school students with developmental disabilities. about the environment.
• The Bridge program hired adults with disabilities and
trained them in jobs at the zoo. Fred Krehbiel
• Zoo Camp for All is a summer camp for children, HONORARY CHAIR, PAST CHAIR
including those with disabilities, led by counselors trained OF THE CZS BOARD OF TRUSTEES
in accommodating campers with different needs.
Programs to engage people of color and people from under-
Stuart led us to execute programs to improve our
institution... Inclusion was broadly defined across resourced communities have also grown greatly under Strahl’s
many categories of people in society, not only leadership. The Society has created successful partnerships with
race and ethnicity. We’ve worked with kids on the community groups, such as Bishop Shepard Little Memorial
autism spectrum. We’ve done a lot of work with Center in Englewood and Eden Place Nature Center in Fuller
Misericordia and with veterans. We’re very proud Park. CZS educators work with children there on STEM
of what we’re doing. learning and foster their connection with wildlife and nature.
In 2019, the King Conservation Leadership Academy
John P. Grube was created. The award-winning Academy now serves several
VICE CHAIR AND IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR thousand children a year, the majority of whom are African-