Page 37 - Gateways_Fall2021
P. 37

Guests and Members in 2020

                                                                     824,906     guests

                                                                      156.9M     guests since 1934

                                                                     112,026     member households

                                                                      141,167    Holiday Magic® attendance

                                                                                     Social Media

                                                                         31%     increase in number
                                                                                 of Instagram followers

           The chats have been repurposed to enhance the zoo-going               increase in subscribers
        experience for guests. Scanning a QR code posted on a sign     12.9%
        outside an animal habitat will take zoo visitors to a “Bringing          across all channels
        the Zoo to You” chat about that animal.
           The HAMILL FAMILY PLAY ZOO staff created                     442%     increase in video
        the nature play video series “Bringing the Play Zoo to You.”            views on Facebook
        The weekly videos demonstrated hands-on activities that
        gave children and their caregivers opportunities to explore
        wildlife and nature together while quarantining at home.       Volunteer Engagement Program
        Each video, produced in both English and Spanish, was
        reviewed for accessibility for children with disabilities.
        These videos made it possible to convey CZS’ conservation         563   volunteers
        message to people beyond the physical zoo.
                                                                      30,852     hours of service
        Zoom Classrooms                                                          contributed by volunteers
        Our staff reported that holding classes and program meetings
        using videoconferencing software, such as Zoom, had unexpected   $902,113  value of service to
        benefits. It removed barriers that limited participation in some of      the Society
        our programs. For example, teachers who live hundreds of miles
        away from Brookfield can now enroll in our teacher professional   700    cloth face masks sewn
        development classes. High school students living in neighborhoods        by Merry Mask Makers
        with limited transportation options are now applying to become
        King Conservation Science Scholars.                                      for on-site employees
           The tools that were necessary during pandemic conditions
        have become part of our programming going forward.

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