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The mission of the Chicago Zoological Society, which operates
Brookfield Zoo, is to inspire conservation leadership by engaging 
people and communities with wildlife and nature.



                    		Animal Ambassadors

                                   		 Learn about the training our Animal Ambassadors
                                          receive that allows them to thrive in their special
                                          roles, and pick up some tips for your pets at home.


                    		Zoo Explorers Club

                                   		 The Chicago Zoological Society’s Zoo Explorers
                                          Club creates an important bridge between our
                                          elementary and high school programming.


                    		Lacy’s Legacy

                                   		 Join us in a conservation conversation with Bob Lacy,
                                          senior conservation scientist emeritus.


Gateways                           	 5	PERSPECTIVE                           PULLOUT
                                                                             Calendar of Events
Volume 11, Issue 1                 	6	 NEWS BITES                            Child’s Play
Spring 2019
                                          T	 he latest noteworthy news is    ON THE COVER
Gateways (ISSN 1947-4385)                 right at your fingertips.
is published quarterly for the                                               Bathsheba Binturong,
enjoyment, entertainment,          	36	ADVENTURES                            Brookfield Zoo’s first
and education of members of                                                  binturong in the Animal
the Chicago Zoological Society.           L	 earn about animals and explore  Ambassador program,
Subscriptions are offered free            nature during our many programs.   thrives in her role of getting
with membership.                                                             up close to zoo guests.
                                   			36	 Family Play Programs
POSTMASTER:                        			38	 Zoo Camp
Send address changes to:           			39	 Sleepover Safari
Gateways                           		 40 	 Travel
Chicago Zoological Society         			41	 Backstage Adventures
3300 Golf Road                     			42	 Visit Essentials and Attractions
Brookfield, IL 60513

©2019 Chicago Zoological
Society. All rights reserved.
The information contained in
this issue of Gateways is correct
as of press time. Gateways is
printed on recycled paper.

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