Page 32 - Gateways 2018 Spring
P. 32
Opening Doors continued
In June 2017, students from Everybody Wins moment can use the room to decompress
Philip J. Rock Center and School, Perhaps the most exciting feature of before getting back to his or her zoo trip.
an organization serving children the “A Zoo for All” initiative is that And the increased skills and capabilities
who live with both hearing and when we make programmatic changes of staff will provide families with the
vision disabilities, visited Brookfield to benefit children with disabilities, all tools to expertly navigate a wide range
Zoo and met with some of our children benefit. of situations that involve both children
animal ambassadors. The field trip with disabilities and those without.
followed the students’ study of zoo By increasing the availability of
animals in their classes. social, emotional, physical, and sensory By expanding our “A Zoo for All”
support for children with disabilities at initiative, we’re proud to improve the
the Play Zoo, those same supports also Brookfield Zoo experience for all our
become available to all children. The guests and to serve as a model for other
sensory-friendly family room isn’t limited North American institutions accredited by
to children who have sensory processing the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. █
disorders. Any child who is having a rough