Page 43 - Gateways_Spring2017_Neat
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                                                              A zoo is a zoo 24/7, and now
                                                              you can get a glimpse into what
                                                              happens at Brookfield Zoo at night.

                                                              Join us for a fun-filled nocturnal adventure, with
                                                              spaces available for families and groups. In the
                                                              evening, enjoy a night hike in the zoo, followed
                                                              by some special activities. Come back inside
                                                              for an ice cream social before settling in for
                                                              the night. The next morning, wake up to a hot
                                                              breakfast buffet, a morning hike, and a visit to an
                                                              animal exhibit.

WESTERN GRAY                                                  Friday, March 10                  $70 Per Member
KANGAROO                                                      7:15 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.           $80 Per Nonmember

                                                              Friday, March 24                  $70 Per Member
                                                              7:15 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.           $80 Per Nonmember

                                                              Friday, May 5                     $70 Per Member
                                                              7:15 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.           $80 Per Nonmember

                                                              This program is for ages 6 and up, with a ratio of
                                                              one adult to five children. The cost for members
                                                              is $70 per person ($80 per nonmember), which
                                                              includes all food, parking, and admission to the
                                                              zoo the following day. Space is limited, so sign
                                                              up now at

                                                              Scout groups: please call (708) 688-8342 for
                                                              group discounts.

B.A.D.G.E.S.                                                  Our wide variety of Boy Scout     Go to or
                                                              and Girl Scout programs include:  call (708) 688-8342 for more
(BADGE ADVENTURES DOING                                                                         information.
                                                                BACKYARD JUNGLE
Work toward completing your badge, patch, journey,              BIRD BATH AWARD
achievement, or elective requirements at Brookfield Zoo!        BUGS
                                                                FUR, FEATHERS, AND FERNS
Go on a two-and-a-half-hour hands-on adventure while playing    INTO THE WILD
games and taking a hike in the zoo.                             PAWS ON THE PATH

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