Page 14 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
P. 14

COOKIE continued                          in Mysore, India, who traveled to          the throng of well-wishers. Even in his
                                          Brookfield for the singular purpose of     twilight years, he was a consummate
I had the honor of working with           meeting Cookie.) This unparalleled         showman, captivating visitors by
Cookie Cockatoo when I was a lead         parrot received cards, letters, toys, and  unfurling his resplendent crown of
animal care specialist in the Bird        birthday gifts from friends near and far.  crest feathers, bobbing up and down,
Department years ago. Cookie was                                                     and loudly chanting his own name.
particularly good at training new            In 2009, animal care staff noticed
bird care staff. He had a reputation      that Cookie’s appetite was more robust        Cookie far surpassed the life expectancy
for letting new staff get confident       and he seemed more relaxed when he         for a Major Mitchell’s cockatoo thanks
in their skills, maybe overconfident,     was off exhibit, so the decision was made  to the premier care he received. Like
and then reminding them, in his           to allow him a well-deserved retirement.   elderly people, he endured osteoporosis,
not-so-subtle Cookie way, who             He took up permanent residence in the
really was boss. After a few weeks        staff office at Reptiles and Birds,                    Rest in peace, beautiful and beloved
of being docile and compliant, he         where he enjoyed the constant doting of                Cookie. My late husband and I
would arbitrarily give them a good        those he knew so well. Never one to be                 always visited Cookie when he was
nip on the finger. Nothing serious, just  idle, he enjoyed an array of enrichments               on exhibit, and we were fascinated
a reminder. No matter how many            to stimulate his mind and body.                        by his behaviors and antics. We had
times I warned new staff about                                                                   wonderful conversations with him...
Cookie’s MO, they would always               Each year, Cookie would continue to                 We never missed celebrating Cookie’s
sport a bandage, kind of a badge of       make appearances before his fans during                birthday at his annual parties, which
honor, after their first few weeks.       his birthday party, which eventually had               became even more special after he
                                          to be moved outdoors to accommodate                   “retired” backstage. Cookie was the
Joan Daniels Tantillo,                                                                           spiritual heart and soul of Brookfield
Associate Curator of Mammals                                                                     Zoo as one of the original residents
                                                                                                 and its longest-living animal, and
                                                                                                 he remains an inspiration to all.

                                                                                                 Facebook Friend

                        Above: Brookfield Zoo guests gather to
                        sing “Happy Birthday” to Cookie. His birthday
                        celebration was a popular event for many years.

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