Page 8 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
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News Bites continued

As Seen on TV                      Learners                     IMPACT                         Marine biologist and TV personality Danni
                                   Turned Leaders                                              Washington (left) meets with future scientists
Marine biologist Danni                                                                         during the Teen Conservation Leadership
Washington was one of the          True to Benjamin Franklin’s                                 Conference.
guest speakers at this year’s
Teen Conservation Leadership       timeless adage, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me            Lincoln Park Zoo, and others were able to hear from,
Conference. (See the article at    and I remember. Involve me and I learn,” the               interact with, and learn from experts in a variety of
right.) She is also the host of a                                                             fields, including those other than zoology.
new show in the Xploration         attendees of the first-ever Teen Conservation
Station STEM programming                                                                         Dr. Hamid Arastoopour, a professor at Illinois
block. Nature Knows Best           Leadership Conference in August—hosted by the              Institute of Technology, where the conference
explores how engineers,            Chicago Zoological Society’s King Conservation             took place, discussed how critical it is for the next
scientists, and other innovators                                                              generation to come up with a comprehensive solution
use plants and animals as          Science Scholars program—left with a serious               for the sustainability of energy, water, and food. He
inspiration when designing                                                                    shared that a successful policy must address issues
some of today’s most amazing       interest in learning more about science, technology,       such as the economy, health, and climate change.
technological advancements.        engineering, and math (STEM). These teen students
                                                                                                Some of the advice attendees received may have
  Washington became                considering careers in science discovered that there       been a bit surprising. Ken Ramirez, a biologist and
interested in science as a child                                                              animal behaviorist—and the former executive vice
and, together with her mom,        are many options to choose from, whether resear-           president of animal care and training at Shedd
founded The Big Blue and           ching in a lab, working directly with animals, or          Aquarium—dispelled the myth that those who work
You (, a                                                                    with animals do not need people skills. He stressed
nonprofit organization that        creating vital calls to action for the benefit of nature.  how important it is to acquire strong communication
focuses on educating younger                                                                  and public speaking skills.
generations about protecting         The teens who participate in the King Scholars
the oceans and our world’s         program at Brookfield Zoo learn about animals                 Both the conference and the King Conservation
natural resources. BB&Y hosts                                                                 Science Scholars program are supported by The King
several annual events, such as     and conservation and make a difference in their            Family Foundation; Astellas USA Foundation; Baxter
its annual Artsea Festival, to                                                                International Inc.; the Leo S. Guthman Fund; Nalco, an
bring young people closer to                                                                  Ecolab company; UL; and Wells Fargo.
the oceans. The festival is an
ideal platform for creative
expression and empowerment
to take action through art,
service, and mentorship.

   Nature Knows Best began
airing nationally on Fox
stations in early September
and will be available through
Hulu and Amazon Prime.

                                   communities while preparing for college and future
                                   careers. They gained valuable hands-on experience

                                   in planning, promoting, and hosting the conference

                                   for 427 of their peers from all over Chicagoland.
                                     During the conference, attendees from Cook

                                   County Forest Preserves programs, the University

                                   of Illinois-Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology,

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