Page 35 - Gateways_Fall 2023 flipbuilder_Neat
P. 35

Cindy R.,
             C i nd y R  . ,
             Br  o  o k f iel d
             Volunteer Engagement Program (Docent and Certified
             Interpretive Guide)
             Animal: Binturong

             Why? They’ve got this cute little face. They’re known as
            “bear cats,” but they are neither bears or cats. They have
             a strong smell, though —some people say they smell like
             popcorn…They live in trees in South and Southeast Asia.
             They have a prehensile tail that helps them balance in trees,
             which is cool. Their habitat is being lost because of the palm
             oil plantations. People should only use products that contain
             sustainable palm oil. [To make sure the products you buy use
             certified sustainable palm oil, Cindy suggests scanning product
             bar codes with the PalmOil Scan Mobile App.]

        Yuktha M., 15,

         King Conservation Leadership
         Academy’s King Conservation Science Scholars
         Animal: Tiger

        Why? I’ve loved tigers since the first grade. I did a research project and I just fell in love with
         them. They are so majestic. They are very agile. They swim and climb. They are intelligent.
         I like their eyes—they are always glimmering…Tigers are misunderstood. Everyone thinks
         they’re scary and ferocious. They are usually the bad guy in every story. In The Jungle Book,
         the tiger is a man killer and all the other animals are scared of him. But tigers are just trying
         to survive. A lot of species are terribly endangered. I want to go into animal sciences and be
         a vet, a zoologist, or a wildlife biologist.

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