Page 36 - Gateways_2018_WINTER
P. 36

International Symposium on Pangolin Care and Conservation,              much space they need, and how well they can survive in disturbed
where pangolin experts and researchers from around the world            habitats,” Zeigler said. “When it comes to trying to save this
gathered together to share their knowledge and plans for                animal, we first need to get these kinds of answers.”
protecting these special creatures.
                                                                            He reached out to colleagues across the country in attempt
   While there is still a long way to go when it comes to saving        to create a network of organizations dedicated to this cause.
the world’s most poached animal, today, there is hope. And it all       Five other zoos—Memphis Zoo, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium,
started with the Society.                                               Gladys Porter Zoo, Essex County Turtle Back Zoo, and Pittsburgh
In 2014, Bill Zeigler, the Society’s Senior Vice President of Animal    Zoo & PPG Aquarium—along with a nonprofit organization,
Programs, proposed bringing about four dozen white-bellied tree         Pangolin Conservation, agreed to partner up to help save
pangolins from their native Togo, a small country in west Africa,       pangolins. All together, these organizations are officially known
to accredited U.S. institutions.                                        as the Pangolin Consortium.

   Zeigler was well aware of the threats to all eight species of           “In order to do this right, we needed a large enough pangolin
pangolin—over the past 10 years, more than a million have been          population here in the U.S. to represent as much genetic diversity
poached from the wild for food in the illegal bushmeat trade, for       as is in the wild population and to have the best demographic
their use in Asian medicines (despite having no actual medicinal        population possible—in other words, the right combination of
value), and for their scales, which are made into jewelry.              ages and represented sexes,” Zeigler said. “We couldn’t do that
                                                                        with just a few animals, and we can only house so many pangolins
   He realized that to combat these threats and to help increase        at Brookfield Zoo. Having a consortium of partners is key to the
wild pangolin populations, it was necessary to learn more about         success of the program.”
these animals, as very little research had been done on them at
the time.                                                                   Not everyone was supportive of the Society’s plan. Critics
                                                                        argued that pangolins should not be removed from the wild, as
  “There is so much that is unknown about the pangolin—the              this would further reduce their populations. However, the
intricacies of their social dynamics, how they reproduce, how           pangolins weren’t taken from their native habitat in a way that
                                                                        could promote illegal trade: they came from individual farmers
            AFRICA                                                      who had captured these animals on their land and were simply
                                                                        planning to use them as food.
                                                                            Further criticism stemmed from the fact that pangolins are
ATLANTIC                                                                prone to stress and in the past, many have not survived
 OCEAN                                                                  transportation. However, the Consortium had an on-the-ground
                                                                        person in Togo, who spent months preparing these animals for
0 1000 Miles  Four species of pangolin are native to Africa, including  transportation—deworming them, introducing them to a new diet,
0 1000 Km     the white-bellied tree pangolin, which is found in Togo.  and figuring out the best ways to keep them hydrated. Only the
                                                                        animals who adjusted well were transported to the U.S., and so
                                                                        when the first shipment was transported in April 2016, all animals
                                                                        arrived in good health.

                                                                           And now that they’re here in U.S. institutions, the amount of
                                                                        information that can come from the 40 pangolins could have the
                                                                        ability to save thousands.

                                                                            In addition to conducting research that will lead to answers to
                                                                        a whole host of questions, the Consortium also is heavily focused
                                                                        on educating the general public about the plight of the pangolin.
                                                                        The six zoos that house pangolins have a combined seven million
                                                                        visitors each year—these are seven million people who potentially
                                                                        can be exposed to the pangolins’ story and be moved to help.

                                                                            Despite the initial criticism, in the past few years, the
                                                                        Consortium has begun to gain recognition by conservation
                                                                        organizations, including the International Union for Conservation
                                                                        of Nature's Pangolin Specialist Group.

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