Page 80 - Mistranslation Laboratory: An Unfolding
P. 80

 a disco for introverts
morrissey eats vegan food & meditates on polysterene props there is an elegant sense of loss i think loss is strangely elegant, the shoulderblades
as sophisticated as snow
every vertabrae is an
elegant cup, a
criss cross bundle of quickening
light, every syllable your elbows
say crosses the face of the clouds, the blind seas of distance reach sadly & lovingly, heart-told, monstrous, inverted. i
had to shield my eyes from
the light. it said so much
more than my peripheries could take.
each lift is cellular each
swing of the toes is separate to something each separation is a form of lifting
the breath of parting is a grate in the gutter of this summer
this pressure
this coldness, it’s not the metal, it’s the veins
a small mammal, the bound moment, & when i remembered them, it sounded like thumping in a faraway room, the brain in its
fleshy swimming pool
this coldness is warmer since i chose such falling

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