Page 44 - Ebook_CoverCrops2022_Final
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USDA agencies — RMA, NRCS and FSA for PepsiCo Inc., which contracts with Practi-
— with detailed weather data compiled by cal Farmers of Iowa to advise farmers who the
the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State company pays to plant cover crops.
University. The results will be used to advise
farmers on cover crop and tillage practices, The $2.35 billion earmarked in the Build Back
said Atwood. Better bill would help NRCS hire additional staff,
but also could fund advisers through conservation
The study is being carried out under an agree- districts and private organizations such as PFI.
ment between the Meridian Institute, the
host organization for AGree, USDA and the “Conservation technical assistance is the crit-
university. ical element in providing highly trained and
skilled professionals to build capacity and work
Wanted: .More .advisers .for .farmers . within communities to address the impacts of a
changing climate,” said Jeremy Peters, executive
Getting many farmers to undertake a funda- director of the National Association of Conser-
mentally new practice isn’t easy, says Lee Briese,
a certified crop adviser and cover crop consul- vation Districts.
tant in North Dakota. NRCS is the second-largest agency at USDA
“They’ll try things, but if it fails miserably, with about 11,000 employees, 10,000 of whom
you’ve probably put a hold on that practice for work in NRCS field offices. The agency didn’t
a generation,” Briese told Agri-Pulse. “Because respond to questions about how many of its
when your yearly paycheck revolves around staff can currently provide technical assistance.
decisions you make, you get to be pretty risk- The National Farmers Union, appealing ear-
averse on taking big chances.” lier this year for an increase in NRCS assis-
tance, said that the agency had 1,200 vacancies
That’s why advocates of cover crops say it’s
vital to connect farmers to mentors and advis- at one point in 2020.
ers who can help them learn how to manage NRCS also certifies employees of private busi-
the practice in a way that’s suited to their area nesses, nonprofit organizations and state and
and cropping systems. local governments to serve as “technical service
“Cover crops is a big change in an operation providers” to help farmers and landowners
… the return on investment from doing cover apply for conservation programs. About 1,250
crops can be one year, it can be 20 years,” said individuals and about 100 businesses are certi-
Margaret Henry, sustainable agriculture director fied as TSPs.
Cover .crops .is .a .big .change .in .an .operation .… .the .return .on .
investment .from .doing .cover .crops .can .be .one .year, .it .can .be .
20 .years .”
— .Margaret Henry
Sustainable .Agriculture .Director, .
PepsiCo .Inc .