Page 2 - Issaic Isak Louw (7)_Neat
P. 2

O  R  D  E  R     O  F     S  E  R  V  I  C  E

        1. Opening in Prayer: (C. Van Roiyen ) Reverend Prince

        2. Opening Hymn: Choir

        3. 1st: Scripture: Charles Golden

        4. 2nd Scripture: Men’s League

        5. Tribute: Men’s League

        6. Sermon: Reverend Prince

        7. Reading of Poem: Men’s League

        8. Vote of thanks: Berand Van Wyk.

            The family wishes to acknowledge with deep

        appreciation the many expressions, concern and

              kindness thrown to them during the hour of

            bereavement. May God bless and keep you.

                                         The Louw Family
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