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With the massive coro- navirus scourge sweeping China, news sources posted stories of the Chinese gov- ernment laundering money by cleaning it. They rea- soned with so many people touching paper currency, disinfecting it was necessary.
This fear of contami- nated paper money is the latest circumstance driv- ing the world toward an all-digital financial system.
Supporters (mostly government insiders) believe government-spon- sored cryptocurrencies (digital, computer money) will offer greater benefits than the current paper currency system. But gov- ernment-sponsored cryp- tocurrencies also create an
unprecedented opportunity for government abuse.
The end of currency
and govern- ment-sponsored cryptocurrency will put unlim- ited power in
the hands of government leaders. Not only does cryptocurrency offer a way to permanently re- cord every financial trans- action, but it will place the ability to track where you go, what you do, the web- sites you visit, and record who your friends are.
It will create a closed, government-controlled eco- nomic system where you’ll be dependent on the gov- ernment’s cryptocurrency to pay for all your needs.
The government de- cides what you can and can’t buy. They’ll be able to tell you where you can and can’t go. In essence, they’ll have complete con- trol over your life.
of thousands to attend the annual feast, which is prepared by the families themselves, with each contributing and shar- ing dishes. The mayor
of Wuhan said on state television just days later that the threat posed by the coronavirus had been underestimated.
Yes, the people ate innocently—shaking hands, hugging, a kiss or two, or three—totally unaware that they had been set up like sheep going to the slaughter!
Little did they know, this would be the last meal they would ever eat together, as well as, the last time many of them would ever see one another again.
Whether it was gross stupidity or neglect or
a very well thought out plan, one thing is for sure, as a result of this Chinese Death Potluck supper,
a deadly plague is now stalking our earth, seek- ing whom it may devour!
 Was the “pot luck supper” in Wuhan, China that the Chinese commu- nist regime went to great lengths to sponsor on Jan- uary 19th, the final aspect of a carefully planned, orchestrated event, so
the “infected” people from the banquet could be turned loose to infect every part of the globe?
Remember this “big feast” was implemented well after the Chinese Communist Party knew how transmissible this
deadly virus was from human to human.
South China Post - 2/5/2020
The Thousands House- holds Banquet was held on January 19th in the city’s Baibuting neigh- borhood, which is home to about 130,000 people, The Economic Observer reported on Wednesday. Despite the coronavirus outbreak already being in full swing – and the first deaths reported – officials gave the go-ahead for tens
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  Pew Research Center March 30th report reveals the COVID-19 Plague is caus- ing people to pray more.
More than half of all US adults admit they have prayed for the COVID-19 Plague to end. Even 15 to
24% of those who do not attend church or profess to be a Christian have taken up prayer.
This poll reflects that, as
a result of the Covid-19 Plague, the religious prac- tice of several million
people in America has changed.
According to the statistics gathered, 55% of Americans are spending time praying for God to bring this pandemic to an end.
not been hindered by the Plague from going to their regular prayer meetings, as their church had no prayer meetings to attend.
In most instances, the Plague did not slow Chris- tians down in their witness- ing, as they had not been effective witnesses for Jesus Christ to their friends and colleagues anyhow.
As far as ministering to the poor and needy here in the U.S. and around the world, this too was non-existent.
So, “all in all,” the only thing that many church-go- ers are missing is perhaps the church service they attended once a week.
That’s really not a big loss, is it? Especially, if that is the only ingredient that is “miss- ing” in their Christianity.
Yes, during this Plague, God is reaching out to
   Regardless of where this Covid-19 Plague came from, God is certainly using it to change our focus.
The Coronavirus Plague has: shut down a number of the “mur- der mills” that destroy the lives of innocent, precious children, taken our gaze from much of the entertain- ment industry, blocked our false worship of the gods of sports, deci- mated our thirst and pursuit for the riches of this world, hindered
and even stopped, the abom- inations that are so prevalent in the world, closed down bars, and the list goes on and on.
Yes, God is reaching out
to the “unrepentant” to take their focus off of sin and re- pent and surrender their lives to Christ.
Churches as well, have been closed and shuttered. Those mega churches ac- customed to having 1,000’s in regular attendance, have became dark, forsaken and empty.
Those who attended churches across the U.S. have
 IS IT ONLY Continued from P. 1)
Black or white, rich or poor, famous or infamous, educated or illiterate, liv- ing in a mansion or a pris- on—this Plague knows absolutely no boundaries.
But, there is something of far greater significance than any of the areas we have mentioned: our soul... eternity... the forever!
Since we do not know if our tombstone was on that load that rolled into our town last night, it is imperative we take every precaution spiritually.
We must not neglect to examine where we stand, not in our community or financially, but spiritually!
Jesus said, “What good would is to gain the whole world and lose our soul?”
That’s a good question. Do you have the answer?
the “Christians” to take their focus off of preachers, religious ac- tivities, the seduction of this world and all the other things that will not matter 100 years from now.
This plague is a wake- up call for the Church. It seems that too many of our churches can hardily- wait to go back to having church as usual. We must not go back, we must
go forward in repent- ance, prayer and fasting to become the effective church God desires for us to become.
Yes, it’s time to repent for losing our first love and becom- ing preoccupied with the trappings of Chris- tianity, without the Christ of Christianity.
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