P. 7

   Even before God TIMEISRUNNINGOUT created the earth, He has
been working to ful- fill His agenda here on earth.(Rev 13:8)
From the very foun- dation of the world, God had a plan to bring man- kind back to Him. His son, Jesus Christ, was to be the sacrifice for our sins.
God’s will is that not a single person die without receiving His gift of eter- nal life.
The Lord is... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Even though most of the earth may reject Him, God is still reaching out in love to all mankind.
Regardless of our lifestyle or how good we have tried to live, it’s not
enough. For we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)
Even in the midst of this Covid-19 Plague, God is reach- ing out to the world to repent, turn from their sin and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
What about you my friend, have you ac- cepted God’s will and plan for your life???
Throughout the pages of time His agenda has
 GOD’S AGENDA FOR EVERYONE been marching on. First and foremost,
  The first pandemic.
Original man is cre- ated without sin, but alone. God saw that Adam was alone and that it was not good God, in perfect love, caused the man to fall asleep and removed what seemed to be an irrelevant piece, a rib, from the perfect man. Although slight, this alteration to the man changes creation.
God formed not only a helper, but a companion, a woman, Eve, from this rib.
Eve, is the only creation that God formed from another live creature. Creat- ed from Adam rather than the earth, Eve was susceptible to infection.
The man and wom- an could come togeth- er and become one flesh, but they often existed separately, and as such, were suscepti-
ble to infection.
Then the virus of sin
was brought into the garden through a ser- pent.
The serpent, desiring to prove his equality to God and destroy perfec- tion, convinces Eve to listen to his lies instead of what the Lord had told her.
Eve was created sus- ceptible to suggestion and she liked what she saw. The tree looked favorable!
Eve willingly chose
to consume the virus of evil. The virus of evil entered into Eve and
it was now capable of entering into Adam who was also now compro- mised. The world’s first virus, sin, had entered the creation.
Paradise was changed, but not lost forever as some say.
Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Able.
As Cain looked down upon the bloody, lifeless
body of his brother Abel, he saw proof he had been unable to control the virus inside himself.
God punished Cain. For his crime, God made Cain unable to grow crops; God said Cain would “always be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
Cain never repents, but instead complains that his punishment is too severe.
The world’s first virus, sin, had claimed its first innocent victim, Abel. Cain became the carri- er of the deadliest virus ever, sin. The virus is un- leashed upon the earth. The earth can’t social
distance from this virus! Forty-one generations
follow in births and deaths until a young girl, pure in heart, who is full of grace was born.
Through a woman, Eve, the virus entered creation and through the child of a woman, Mary, the virus will be totally eradicated.
The perfect spirit of God enters into this young girl, Mary, and produces in her the Sav- ior of the World, the cure to sin and all the world’s viruses, Yeshua HaMeshi- ach, Jesus Christ.
Through His perfect life and sacrificial death
on a cross, this perfect man, Jesus Christ, conquers the virus sin.
He does this through perfect love, “Ahava”- sacrificial love.
Before He departs the earth for paradise He says, “tetelestai”. It is finished or it is cured!
We are now existing during the final phase of the eradication started on the cross
by Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. Evil does not want to be eradicated from cre- ation, but the virus was cured on the cross forever. Amen!
James A. Barron, MS
God does have an agen- da for the Church during this Covid-19 Plague. He desires to utilize it to pre- pare the Body of Christ for His soon return.
However, although most ministers preach that there is only one event that must be fulfilled before Jesus can come back, (Matt. 24:14), there is actually more. Something else must hap- pen before He can return.
Ephesians 5:27 states,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
The bride of Christ must make herself ready (Rev19:7).
This process involves the Church ridding herself of every spot, wrinkle, and blemish so the Church can become a glorious Church!
The Lord cannot return until there is a “glorious Church” on this earth.
This is where we are now, my friend, allowing the blood of the Lamb to cleanse us of every sin so that our garments may be righteous unto the Lord.
It’s God’s agenda dur- ing this plague to refine us and purify us until we stand in His righteous- ness, prepared for His glorious coming!!!
  The Health Minister
of Israel, Yaak Litzman, stated at a press confer- ence on March 19, 2020, “We are praying and hop- ing that the Messiah will arrive before Passover, the time of our redemp- tion. I am sure that the Messiah will come and bring us out as [God] brought us out of Egypt. Soon we will go out in
freedom and the Messiah will come and redeem us from all the troubles of the world.”
After this statement, the health minister and his wife soon tested posi- tive for the coronavirus.
Not only have they been forced into self-iso- lation, but a number
of other top Israeli of- ficials who had contact
with them, including Benjamin Netanyahu, have also gone into quarantine.
Thankfully, on March 11, Yaak Litz- man made the follow- ing statement, “I was notified of a full re- covery from the virus, thank God.”
It has been a mir- acle from that Israel
has survived the wars and attacks it has endured since it became a nation in 1948. Even when the odds were so great
it looked impossi- ble, God was always faithful to be there for them in the midst of their crisis. God
is even now standing guard in their behalf.

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