Page 3 - FT MILAN
P. 3
James A. Barron, MS
Original man is created without sin, but alone. God saw that Adam was alone and that it was not good God, in perfect love, caused the man to fall asleep and removed what seemed to be an irrelevant piece, a rib, from the perfect man. Although slight, this alteration to the man changes creation.
God formed not only a helper, but a companion, a woman, Eve, from this rib.
Eve, is the only creation that God formed from another live creature. Created from Adam rather than the earth, Eve was susceptible to infection.
The man and woman could come together and become one flesh, but they often existed separately, and as such, were susceptible to infection.
Then the virus of sin was brought into the gar- den through a serpent.
The serpent, desiring to prove his equality to God and destroy perfection, convinces Eve to listen to his lies instead of what the Lord had told her.
Eve was created susceptible to suggestion and she liked what she saw. The tree looked favorable!
Eve willingly chose to consume the virus of
evil. The virus of evil entered into Eve and it was now capable of entering into Adam who was also now compromised. The world’s first virus, sin, had entered the creation.
Paradise was changed, but not lost forever as some say.
Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Able.
As Cain looked down upon the bloody, lifeless body of his brother Abel, he saw proof he had been unable to control the virus inside himself.
God punished Cain. For his crime, God made Cain unable to grow crops; God said Cain would “always be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
Cain never repents, but instead complains that his punishment is too severe.
The world’s first virus, sin, had claimed its first innocent victim, Abel. Cain became the carrier of the deadliest virus ever, sin. The virus is unleashed upon the earth. The earth can’t social distance from this virus!
Forty-one generations follow in births and deaths until a young girl, pure in heart, who is full of grace was born.
Through a woman, Eve, the virus entered cre- ation and through the child of a woman, Mary, the virus will be totally eradicated.
The perfect spirit of God enters into this young girl, Mary, and produces in her the Savior of the World, the cure to sin and all the world’s viruses, Yeshua HaMeshiach, Jesus Christ.
Through His perfect life and sacrificial death on a cross, this perfect man, Jesus Christ, conquers the virus sin.
He does this through perfect love, “Ahava”- sacrifi- cial love.
Before He departs the earth for paradise He says, “tetelestai”. It is finished or it is cured!
We are now existing during the final phase of the eradication started on the cross by Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. Evil does not want to be eradicated from creation, but the virus was cured on the cross forever. Amen!
William Webber is the great, great, great, great, grandfather of J.David Ford.
William Webber was born in 1747 and thenborn again in 1767 in a meeting conducted by Colonel Samuel Harris in Goochland.
Webber began to preach God’s Word even before he was baptized. After his bap- tismal, he was ordained to preach.
In December 1770, Rev. Webber was charged with “preaching the Gospel with no authority from above.”
He was imprisoned in the Chesterfield jail until March of 1771. Even being incarcerated did not stop Rev. Webber from peaching. He continued to preach through his jail window. According to history, many professed receiv- ing Christ listening to the preaching of Rev. Webber from his jail-cell window.
After his release he continued to preach. At Middlesex he was again arrested and imprisoned.
While he was in jail he became gravely ill. He was released in September 1771 , with the help of intimate friend of Patrick Henry and returned to Goochland to con- tinue his ministry.
With the advent of the Great Revival
Erected in 1948 near Goochland, Vir- ginia, in Goochland County. Marker is at the intersection of River Road West (Virginia Route 6) and Manakin Road.
of Dover around the year 1800, Rev. Webber had 175 new converts added to his church.
On February 29, 1808, at the age of 62, the Lord promoted William Web- ber to glory.
(THE REAL TRUTH...continued from Page 2)
However, as early as 1629, the gov- ernment of Virginia established the Anglican Church at Jamestown Colo-
ny to be part of the government in the “New World.” This arrangement of the “government and church” being “one,” strongly continued even after the revolu- tion in 1776.
Reuben Ford was born in Gooch- land County in 1742. He surrendered his life to Christ in 1762 at the age of
20 under the fiery preaching of George Whitefield. Later he surrendered fur- ther and answered the call to preach
the Word, a calling at that time that was “illegal” without “the government and its church’s” approval.
A new group of Christians had emerged in the colonies as a result of Whitefield’s influence. They believed that their calling to the ministry came from God and not from man. Therefore, they did not need the government and its church to provide them with ministe- rial credentials.
These Believers studied God’s Word for themselves, they began to believe that infant sprinkling (known as bap- tism) was not Biblical. They believed the Bible taught that a person must repent of his or her sins and experience a new birth. Then they were to be “baptized,” by being fully immersed in water.
They also began to believe that God’s Word called for more than joining a church. They felt that a person must repent of his or her sins and experience a “new birth.”
These “new beliefs” placed the new churches that were beginning to spring in the colonies on a collision course with the “government and its church.”
Reuben Ford was 26 years old when the “government and its church” began their “purging” in Virginia.
The goal they had in mind, was to
force the “rebel clergy” and their followers into submission.
In order to eliminate any compe- tition of opposing views, the gov- ernment decreed that only properly ordained clergy members of the Anglican Church would be allowed to preach. Later the Anglican Church would become known as the Protes- tant Episcopal Church.
The law was very clear. It was “against the law” for ministers to preach the Word of God or unite a man and woman in holy matrimony if they did not have a “government approved” ordination. No church- es could be established outside the “government and its church.” If Christians were to meet for any kind of services, it was unlawful to call these meeting places “churches.”
Because of the colonists’ unwill- ingness to obey the “government
and its church” laws, the government began a reign of terror in Virginia in 1768. The intent was to break “the re- ligious rebels” who dared to defy “the government and its church” by not bowing at the “government’s altar.”
Soon the “long arm of the law” began to reach out across Virginia. Ministers who defied the “govern- ment
and its church” and dared to preach the Word of God without government permission were subject to being beaten and/or hauled off to jail. Ministers who dared to perform marriages without “the government and its church’s” approval, were also jailed.
The “government and its church” were inseparable as well as unmerci- ful to any Christian who would not conform to their edicts.
Christians in America were ruled Continued on P. 4 Page 3