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Making a difference in the lives of over a million chil- dren living in poverty throughout Nicaragua since 2001.
NEW HOPE PROVIDES: Christian school - Grades 1-11, Children’s Home, Radio Station for Miskito Indians in Rain-forest, Feeding Centers, etc.
All Americans who work with and are at New Hope are volunteers. This means 100% of every gift goes directly to Nicaragua and the needs there.
Would you like to volunteer here in the U.S. or in Nicaragua? Would you like to bring your church group for a short-term mission trip to New Hope in Nicaragua?
If you would like additional information visit New Hope’s website at:
Emai New Hope at: Or, call: (469) 309-2364
FROM THE HEART... from Page 2
moral standards, and even non-religious people knew the Lord’s Prayer. But, those days are from a long gone era!
I have traveled in missionary work in many areas around the world for the past 50 years, in country after country, always glad to return back to the good old U.S.A.
BUT... over the past six decades a “new America,” has gradually emerged that I don’t recognize. There was a general respect for authority, politicians were trusted, an America where the personal interests of political parties were far more important than the mere truth. Now everything seems to be thrown into the wind in Washington. All that matters is retaining control and forwarding a diabolical agenda that was unthinkable to our founding fathers.
Yes, there was a time in America when the good of the American people was uppermost in our congress and senate’s mind. This was a time when political parties were not drunk on power and bipartisanship was laid aside to work on bills that would bring the change to America that was need- ed at that hour.
I can’t help but think of all the hardship my great, great, great, great grandfather Reuben Ford endured back in the late 1700s. Morning after morning, he was in the saddle riding back and forth to the house of Burgees, to make sure that reli- gious freedom for all was included in the laws they passed and as the First Amendment was formed in the Bill of Rights.
No, I don’t believe Reuben ever envisioned a day would dawn in the new country he so dearly loved, where impartiality and fairness would be trampled under the feet of our lawmakers, as well as the Su- preme Court, and even by the common man.
Truth has not only fallen in our streets, mobs trample on it, while many of our elected officials wipe their shoes on it as well.
Where’s the concern for governing America with truth, integrity and principle??? Yes, in my lifetime, the focus of many of our politicians has changed! Now, life is not considered sacred, respect has flown, and dis- agreement does not bring discussion, cooperation and reasonable conclusions, but anger and revenge.
However, there is “light at the end of the tunnel.” Each of us can become an agent of change... “the change” that we must have for America to survive ...the change, to go back to the Biblical moral stan- dards ... the change, that to many of our politicians have ignored... the change, they have purposely placed on the back burner or killed... we, the peo- ple, have the power... at the ballot box.
God does have an agen- da for the Church during this Covid-19 Plague. He desires to utilize it to pre- pare the Body of Christ for His soon return.
However, although
most ministers preach
that there is only one
event that must be ful-
Ephesians 5:27 states, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and with- out blemish.
The bride of Christ
must make herself ready
The Lord cannot return until there is a “glorious Church” on this earth.
This is where we are now, my friend, allowing the blood of the Lamb to cleanse us of every sin so that our garments may be righteous unto the Lord.
It’s God’s agenda dur- ing this plague to refine
us and purify us until we stand in His righteousness, prepared for His glorious coming!!!
filled before Jesus can come back, (Matt. 24:14), there is actually more. Something else must happen before He can return.
This process involves the Church ridding herself of every spot, wrinkle, and blemish so the Church can become a glorious Church!
(THE REAL TRUTH...continued from Page 4)
It was Ford who worked with the Gen- eral Assembly in 1786 to pass a law that would end the taxation of all citizens that was being collected to give to the Anglican Church.
Even though the Constitution had been passed and ratified, religious freedom
was still not secure in the colonies. It was Ford, in behalf of the churches of Virginia, who corresponded with President George Washington concerning the Bill of Rights.
Ford and the ministers working with him poured out their hearts to President Washington that their “freedom of con- science” was more dear to them than their properties, or even life itself.
In the letters that followed to President Washington the president was informed that the Constitution had not sufficiently secured the people’s religious rights.
In behalf of the churches in Virginia, Ford was chosen to be the clerk who would initiate and continue correspondence with
President Washington concerning this im- portant matter.
The following letter was written on August 8, 1789 by the Colonial Baptists of Virginia to George Washington, the Newly Elected Presi- dent of the United States of America.”
“Sir: Among the many shouts of congratu-
lations that you receive from cities, societies, states and the whole world, we wish to take an active part, in the universal chorus, in express- ing our great satisfaction in your appointment to the first office in the nation. When America, on a former occasion, was reduced to the neces- sity of appealing to arms, to defend her natural and civil rights, a Washington was found fully adequate to the exigencies of the dangerous attempt, who, by the philanthropy of his heart, and the prudence of his head, led forth untu- tored troops into the field of battle, and by the skillfulness of his hands, baffled the projects of the insulting foe, and pointed out the road to
independence, even at a time when the energy of the cabinet was not sufficient to bring into action the natural aid of the confederation from its respective sources.
The grand object being obtained, the in- dependence of the states acknowledged; free from ambition, devoid of sanguine thirst of blood, our hero returned with those he com- manded, and laid down the sword at the feet of those who gave it him. Such an example to the world is new. Like other nations, we experience that it requires as great valor and wisdom to make an advantage of a conquest, as to gain one.”
“When the Constitution made its appear- ance in Virginia, we, as a society, had unusu- al strugglings of mind, fearing that the liberty of conscience, dearer to us than property or life, was not sufficiently secured.
Continued on P. 6 Page 5
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