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The Hanbury                                                                                                             The Rufford

                                                                       BEDROOM 3 /                                                                                                          BEDROOM 3 /
                                                                                   BEDROOM 2                                                           KITCHEN      DINING ROOM
                                KITCHEN   DINING ROOM                    STUDY                                                                                                               STUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BEDROOM 2
                                                                                                                                                         CLKS                        *
                                                                                                *                                                                                               ST
                                                                        ST                                                                                           LOUNGE
                                                                                 MASTER BEDROOM
                                                                                                                                                                                             MASTER BEDROOM  EN-SUITE
                               CLKS                                                                                                                              HALL

       Ground Floor                First Floor
                                                                                                                              Ground Floor                First Floor
       Lounge                      Master Bedroom               Bedroom 2                   Bathroom
       4354 x 3686mm                  3688 x 2899mm             2814 x 2315mm               1858 x 1813mm                     Lounge                      Master Bedroom               Bedroom 2                   Bathroom
       (14’3” x 12’1”)             (12’1” x 9’6”)               (9’3” x 7’7”)               (6’1” x 5’11”)                    4929 x 3134mm                  4321 x 2939mm             3432 x 2660mm               2660 x 1726mm
                                                                                                                              (16’2” x 10’3”)             (14’2” x 9’8”)               (11’3” x 8’9”)              (8’9” x 5’8”)
                                   En-Suite                           Bedroom 3 / Study
       Kitchen / Dining Room        1941 x 1628mm               2315 x 1775mm                                                 Kitchen / Dining Room        En-Suite                    Bedroom 3 / Study
       4676 x 2687mm                  (6’4” x 5’4”)             (7’7” x 5’10”)              * Window dependant on plot purchased  5751 x 2340mm                  2098 x 1325mm         3004 x 2413mm               * Window dependant on plot purchased
       (15’4” x 8’10”)                                                                                                        (18’10” x 7’8”)             (6’11” x 4’4”)               (9’10” x 7’11”)
       These particulars are for guidance only and do not, in any                  The materials and external appearance may vary.
       way, form part of a warranty or guarantee. Persimmon                        This brochure should therefore be used as a guide.
       Homes reserves the right to alter specifications at any  Moorfield          Floor plans in this brochure show approximate
       time without notice. Artist’s impression of typical example                 maximum dimensions for each room.
   6   of this housetype.                            Wilberfoss                    These dimensions may vary, within NHBC gu idelines.                                                                                                      7
                                                                                   Please consult our Sales Adviser for specific details.
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