Page 57 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 57

These days every decision we make seems to be based on reading reviews. If we get an appointment with a new doctor, we search for patient reviews. If we are shopping for an appliance, or shoes, or a car, we read the reviews first! Favorable reviews tend to influence our choices.
What if those who were considering learning more about God had that option? Here are some examples of how the reviews might read:
   Ben Changed
5.0 out of 5 stars A Must Have
Verified Customer
I had heard about God, but was fearful I’d have to change my ways too much to welcome Jesus into my heart. Turns out, after I did, the changes came naturally!
I.M. Saved
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommend
Verified Customer
I was lost and broken. I accepted Jesus into my heart one day and everything changed inside. When I began to feel the change inside, things began to change on the outside. Suddenly, everything had new meaning.

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