Page 73 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 73

The lightning and thunder had passed our home, but the storm left us without electricity. We each froze at our locations throughout the house. The room became dark, so I walked carefully down the stairs, using the light from my cell phone to guide the way.
I navigated to my favorite chair. And as I sat quietly, I experienced an unexpected awareness. In the darkness, I could feel the silence beckoning me, challenging me to reach inside. With the absence of the noises of life, I stared at the burning wick of the candle flame. As I stared, I felt more and more compelled to reach . . . deep inside . . . to the place where my thoughts are safely housed and protected. New and insightful feelings began to parade through my mind as if they had been waiting too long for this chance.
I tried to recall the last time I had sat in silence by myself. At first, I was uneasy with the situation. But, I soon realized that the circumstances presented a perfect opportunity to communicate...with Him.
Startled, I jumped as the electricity interrupted my peaceful moment and surged through the house. The power had returned, and with it, the enemy of tranquility – the noise of life. I said farewell to the quiet moments I’d spent that evening with just me and God, but I vowed to return often realizing that I needed to seek more opportunities for silent

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