Page 24 - DASH INSPIRATIONS (Embed).doc
P. 24
Her Turn
There is an old woman who has always been here since I breathed my first breath, she began to appear.
Her gray hair arrived first, then a wrinkle or three as she began to transform the woman I knew as “me.”
Now she makes my decisions; without question, I let her. For I know her well,
but she knows me better.
When she began to emerge,
I was anxious and scared. Though, I knew she was coming, I simply wasn’t prepared.
She began as an infant, then a girl came to be a teen...into a woman and
Everything I would be, each distinguishing trait throughout my whole childhood was lying in wait.
I await her inception, for when she has arrived, it will signify a lifetime
I have thrived and survived.
She holds no optimism for continuance of youth; when I look into her eyes, I know, she knows the truth.
Dash Inspirations by Linda Ellis