Page 3 - Springsville Handbook 1_Neat
P. 3

• Welcome Message       7

         • Brief history         8                   • The Employment         12
                                                     • Nature of employment
         • Mission Statement    9                                 12

                                                     • Employee Relations 12                                      • Recruitment and Selection
         • Our Vision           9                                                                                    Policy  15

                                                                                                                  • Selection Policy          16
                                                     • Equal Employment
         • Our Core Values 9                            Opportunity                         13
                                                                                                                  • Appointment             17

         • School Anthem 10
                                                     • Our Expectations                  13                       • Reference Check Policy17

         • Organisational Chart             11
                                                     • Business Ethics and                                        • Orientation of New Employees
                                                        Conduct  14                                                  18

                                                                                                                  • Probation Period and
                                                     • Non-Disclosure                                                Confirmation 18

                                                                                                                  • Employment Applications
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