Page 11 - Introducing_Signwise
P. 11

Wall Murals: Meeting rooms and office walls needn’t be dull and plain.  Braille Tactile: Tactile signage is an extension of wayfinding and in
             With a wall mural, you can create an inspiring and creative space in your  some cases required by law. You will commonly find tactile signs on plastic
             office or reception area. Be it a pattern or a theme across multiple spaces  or aluminium bases with raised braille and tactile iconography to help the
             or photos of landscapes and nature, it is easy to transform ordinary walls  visually impaired.
             into pieces of art. There is a range of films available including standard
             vinyl and textured wallpapers.                                             Meeting Room Door Sliders: These signs have a slider to change
                                                                                        the status of a meeting or interview room from ‘available’ to ‘in use’.
             Glazing Decals / Vision Strips:  In most cases where floor to  Usually these signs are an aluminium extrusion with a slider plate and
             ceiling glazing is present, some form of glazing/vision strip is required by  vinyl graphics applied to the faces.
             law. This doesn’t mean it has to be boring. You can create stunning visual
             statements with the various types of film available to achieve an etched or   Reception Sign: A great statement to greet visitors to your reception
             frosted glass look. You can print patterns and full colour images direct to   area. A reception sign can be used to reinforce your company brand or
             the film, all the while aiding privacy and retaining good light transmission.  provide a final waypoint for directional signage. These signs can be

                                                                                        built into a custom desk or fitted to an existing piece. They use high end
             Room  Numbers:  A  simple way  to  give  definition  to  different  rooms  techniques, materials and sometimes illumination to set them apart.
             and areas within your office. These can be as simple as a vinyl graphic
             on a door or more complex, like an engraved plaque or solid panel. You     Wall Signs: A wall sign in an office space or meeting area can be
             aren’t limited to numbers either. The theme can follow any type of naming   used for any number of things. Whether it is to display company ethos and
             convention you like to suit your surroundings.                             core values or as a whiteboard for team members, using flat panels and
                                                                                        standoff mounts, they are easily interchangeable and a great medium for
             Wayfinding:  Sometimes the right way to go is not immediately  information.
             apparent to new visitors. This is especially true in the age of open plan
             spaces without obvious corridors and borders. Suspending signage from
             the roof or at a high vantage point allows easy viewing to point people in
             the right direction.

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