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P. 18
tenaza de un cangrejo), la mochila de 19, 2015. An anime film trilogy is being
Mayoi (el caparazón de un caracol), el produced based on the prequel novel
brazo de Suruga (el brazo de un mono), el Kizumonogatari, with the first film,
gorro y la chaqueta de Nadeko (la cabeza y Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu, released
la piel de una serpiente), y el chándal negro on January 8, 2016. An anime adaptation of
y amarillo de Karen (los colores de una the third novel of the Owarimonogatari
abeja). Los acontecimientos de los series aired on August 12 and 13, 2017.
capítulos anteriores juegan un papel The Monogatari series revolves around
importante en los subsecuentes. A pesar Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school
de contener elementos de fantasía, terror y student who is almost human again after
acción, la serie se enfoca principalmente briefly becoming a vampire. One day, a
en las conversaciones entre sus personajes; classmate of his, the reclusive Hitagi
las cuales contienen parodias hacia otras Senjōgahara, falls down the stairs into
series, así como el tradicional juego de Koyomi's arms. He discovers that Hitagi
palabras y el metahumor característico de weighs nothing, in defiance of physics.
Nisio Isin. Monogatari (物語, lit. "Story") is Despite being threatened by her to keep
the general name for a series of Japanese away, Koyomi offers his help and
light novels written by Japanese novelist introduces her to Meme Oshino, a strange
Nisio Isin and illustrated by Taiwanese middle-aged man living in an abandoned
illustrator Vofan. Kodansha has published building, who cured him of being a
23 novels since November 2006 under vampire. Once Koyomi helps solve Hitagi's
their Kodansha Box imprint, with at least problem, she decides to become his friend.
five more novels planned. The story As the series progresses, Koyomi finds
centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third-year himself involved with other girls, each
high school student who survived a afflicted by different "oddities", including
vampire attack, and finds himself helping the ghost of a child called Mayoi Hachikuji;
some girls involved with all kinds of his underclassman Suruga Kanbaru;
apparitions, deities, ghosts, mythological Nadeko Sengoku, a friend of his sisters; his
beasts, and spirits. classmate Tsubasa Hanekawa; and his own
younger sisters Karen and Tsukihi. To deal
with the spectres, Koyomi relies on
An anime adaptation by Shaft of guidance from Oshino and, later, from
Bakemonogatari aired 12 episodes Shinobu, the same vampire who attacked
between July and September 2009, and him, now with the appearance of an eight-
released three more episodes online year-old girl Most heroines have an item
between November 2009 and June 2010. that symbolises their spectres, such as
An anime of the sequel Nisemonogatari Hitagi's stapler (the claw of a crab), Mayoi's
aired from January to March 2012. An backpack (the shell of a snail), Suruga's arm
anime adaptation of Nekomonogatari (the arm of a monkey), Nadeko's hat and
(Kuro) aired on December 31, 2012. An jacket (the head and skin of a snake), and
anime titled Monogatari Series Second Karen's black and yellow suit (the colors of
Season aired between July 7 and December a bee). Although incorporating elements of
29, 2013. An anime adaptation of fantasy, horror, and action, it primarily
Hanamonogatari aired on August 16, 2014. focuses on conversations between
An anime adaptation of Tsukimonogatari characters, containing parodies of other
aired on December 31, 2014. An anime series, as well as Nisio Isin's trademark
adaptation of the Owarimonogatari novels word play and metahumo
aired between October 3 and December