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“We believe that all of MFU staff
has bonded by our heart with the
President Vanchai more than just
the leader and the followers, but he
is as our relatives, father, uncle,
Throughout the period of 20 years as the and Santa Claus. He is everything
President of Mae Fah Luang University, Assoc. that we love, and he makes us
Prof. Dr. Vanchai Sirichana, this place was filled always happy.”
with his love and warmth. Therefore, there
was the cooperation between the divisions inside
the university organized the activity named
“Vanchai” in returned for his love and warmth
which he had always given to us, MFU staff, on
Friday 19th April, 2019.
The event is divided into two periods of In the evening, there was a duration of
time. In the beginning, the staff of Mae Fah Luang having dinner, trading fairs from many divisions of
University delivered a thankful speech to the the university. At the same time, the audiences
president of the university. Besides, Prof. Dr. watched the various performances that the school
Phatthira Wiphawaphinyo was a representative of Liberal Arts had the opportunity as a part of this
from School of Liberal Arts had a pleasant speech event consists of creating the Bai Sri Su Kwan
to the president. Subsequently, the audiences
watched the video named “Our President”, which parade included with Thai desserts fairs at Lan
broadcasted the story of the founding president Chaloem Phra Kiat HRH Princess Srinagarindra
since the past until the present. End up with Mother. In consequence, this event extremely built
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vanchai Sirichana met with the a good and delighted memory for all of the MFU
MFU family on the stage, in order to tell the story staff.
of the bond for over 20 years to the university,
staffs, and students at C4 Princess Mother