Page 154 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 154

 Notes forming part of the standalone financial statements
(a) Interest Income
(1) On bank deposits (at amortised cost)
(2) On debentures*
(3) Others (Interest on Inter corporate deposit)
(b) Dividend Income from
(1) Current Investments at FVTPL (mutual funds)
(2) Equity investments in subsidiaries
(2) Net gain arising on financial assets designated as at FVTPL**
(3) Sundry balances written back
(4) Gain on Sale of property, plant and Equipment
(5) Miscellaneous income
* The Company, vide letters dated February 4, 2019 has revised the terms of debenture agreement and waived the right to receive interest of H1,021 Lakhs for the financial year 2018-19 on investment in Optionally Convertible Debentures of Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited (KPIT), a subsidiary of the Company.
** The Company, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable accounting standards, has carried out a fair valuation of its investments in KPIT in form of Optionally Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares and Optionally Convertible Debentures and the resultant net profit
(c) Others
(1) Rental income
122 - - 21 704 Total 3,304
of H1,377 Lakhs has been credited to the Statement of Profit and Loss. NOTE 28 - COST OF SERVICES, CONSTRUCTION AND LAND
(a) Opening stock including raw material, construction work-in-progress and completed properties
Add: Transitional adjustment on account of application of Ind AS 115
(b) Add: Cost incurred during the year Cost of land/ development rights Purchase of raw material Contract cost and labour charges Other construction expenses Personnel costs
(c) Less : Closing stock including raw material, construction work-in-progress and completed properties
Total (a+b-c)
(b) (c)
As at March 31, 2020
- 1,53,356
9,496 17,905 4,112 1,845 37,282
(H in Lakhs) As at
March 31, 2019
49,336 1,37,786
3,507 13,640 17,727
1,744 41,166
152 | Kolte-Patil Developers Limited
As at March 31, 2020
125 1,176 394
3 759
(H in Lakhs) As at
March 31, 2019
36 361 415
7 2,574
114 1,377 144 - 411 5,439

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