Page 125 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 125
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
Robert Payne, Editor
If a man <Joes not keep
p11Ce iv1th his compa111ons.
pethaps 11 is because he
l1ecJrs a different drummer The parties arc ovl'f, the votes arc in
Let htm step to tne music and our world has settled down to its
which he hears, however steady roar. After three gre<it affairs in
measured or far away .. Hollywood, Russian River and San
Henry DaV1d Thoreau
F ranc;isco, DRUMMER had a small
army of gorgeous lc.uhcrmcn to fi II ib
pages and t.o choose a MR. DRUMMER
'82 to live with the following year. All
wcm extremely well and when we $Cnl
6 MALE CALL/DEAR SIR 8/uck and 8/uf! and ree1d qi/ over
our reprcscnt.ltivcs to the International
8 TOUGH SHIT Mr. Leather con1est in Chicago, guess
Cops, cons and curpl'nt~rs cauyhl with tlltir pants down who won two oul of Lhrce with only
one conr.cst.ant?! Luke Daniel h,indily
10 VID(O EXPLOSION Big·Dick TV d/1111ers
22 DRUMMER DADDIES More of the best, with photos DRUMMER, MR: DRUMMER '82 .ind
24 THE lllSTORY OF FORESKIN John Ponce', who won the Mr. Northern
Bud s~rkdcy ports thl! wrt(l/ns on a meaty sub/t!CI California DRUMMER contest took
?tccond runner up. We are very proud or
our Mr. Drummers, whatever their
Or11v after orqy, gladiator ofter g/od/ator, Aaron 7 roi,,/s 'hero goes 011.
pecking order. All of, you can be sure,
36 LEATHER NOTEBOOK Tips trom the old moster Lurry Townsend are now DRUMMER sub!>Cribers and
members in good standing of lhe lcJ·
37 SLAVE SHIP (CONCLUSION) ther Fraternity, and if you we one in a
Bmtol hoddy-se>. as Jim Hordlteld takes us to a galaxy long aqo In the futurl! learhcr bar somewhc~ in the US. of
49 THE SEARCH ENDS/ CENTERFOLD A. this ~ummer, st.Jndlng there in his
Tiie ordeuls end when 11 hod/es beautiful rlpp/~ out of DRUMMER 1-shin, go over to pinch a
shloy c/Jops undone steps tonnird to b«om~ the new Mr. Drummer. Lil or cop a feel .ind say hello.
This is J bigger thc1n usual copy of
57 DRUMBEATS/ MAN TO MAN DRUMMER ond next issue will be even
The closslfieds Amc1ku heats its meut to. bigger. It cont.tins the most personal
cl.issineds we have ever nm, the most
76 CON RAP Addressing the 11eeds of am•sting prisoners
that anyone h~ run, so far as we know.
77 DRUM DRUMMER was originaHy established
81/f Wurd'.f Drum meets up with 11 filthy trucker and for communication between leathermen
hilt!~ oft mort: than ht con chew. 1/mosl. remember the original Le.ilher
Fr.u.crnity members only Jds in earlier
82 TOUGH CUSTOMERS Booad<(Jssed readers srrut tht!fr stuff issues. Now we are offering a computor
86 DRUMMEDIA bulletin board. It 1s as outrageous ~
We qwt• the DRUMML R thlrd-<legrce to Conan, you would expect from DRUMMER.
wrrwt book~ and a cock In thorns. Call in from 6:00 p.m to 9;00 a.m.
P.O.T. to (415) 552-7671 .ind leave or
92 SAN DIEGO GETS DOWN Branded In Sllllor city pick. up messages. Ir you are ii member
of the Lt:ather Fraternity you will
97 LOS ANGELES PICKS A WINNER have a code for an inner circle: or me~·
The 111crcd/ble hulks hattlt• for tllt title
sage~ and communic.11ion. There is also
101 IN PASSING /lofy Hurd-on! a hot and heavy questionnaire to answer
that will have your blood boiling. Good
Co1 er p/1010 by I im Patton of Mr. Drummer '82, Luke Doniel one hand computor work.
Pug£' four photo by Rosi• dti Castro
PIJ8LISl1Ell •
IJOll •
l ECftt
ADYOTl~d Dlll~TOll . nu1111 MATRDJ
COHllUllUlllfG EDllOAS Trn~nuSipn. L.atry la•nseod
-.ron T1•vot. Ftank ll llou•k•. Ch~1•• M.rso•~••
f'HOIOCRAPtURS A*ll l'lurAo WOlf~~"IJ Iii~• ''"7
PholO, lf!n. l••o•t floV DNn Retlu SIUdiO t.iii1111d Poh
Viclot Artmoml( !.Ilka A1lf!I
ARllStS C<l11elo Bill W•td M.ltt. l.lino•••t El>enlle., Klint