Page 135 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 135

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

         "If a  man  docs  not  keep
         pace with his compamons
         perhaps  it  ts  because  he                                         Most surveys  are  an annoyance,
         hears a d1/ferBnl drummer                                          fhey  taJ..e  up  valuable  space  and
         Let him step to the music                                          nobody fills them out anyway. So we
         which  he  hears. however                                          have  never  run  one.  However.  at
         measured 01  fa1 away "                                            this  point  and  time,  with
             Henry OaVJd  Thoreau                                           DRUMMtR  making  and  contem-
                                                                            plating various changes m its format,
                                                                            we feft 11 would be nice to ask our
                                                                            reader;, who probably are the loyal-
          6  MALECAll/ DEAR SIR  Talk  Back to Drummer
                                                   _;_;_;::_~~~~~~~-        est  of any gay publication. And they
         8  HEUFIRE '82  I arry Towml'ncl lake-. you on .m gt1Jded tour of the   are beginning  to pour in  from  the
            annu.1/ SM convP11t1on for the /iarcJ corps. Rvcommenc/pd for mJt-  last  ilisue  (the  questionnai1 es,  not
            tJre  leathermen only.
                                                                            the  readers).  We are so  dell8hted
        14  TIGHTROPES II                                                   that  we  are  repeating .m  updated
            In  an  era  of ~N/uPls,  C'dll  you expect  othcrwi~e from  thf' hatreH   version, (or tne last  time, this time.
            bonclagP & cli~cipline porn film of the year/      _    __        So far it  <;eemc; that you enjoy the
        16  MR. LEATHER  SAN DIEGO                                          meat  and  potatoes  approach  to
            Hot night!> in Southern California with Gunner Robimon amJ Luke   DRUMMER  We'll continue to leave
            Daniel as the )eacoa"I city picks  its leather ~tucl.           the glossy space-filling Colt Studio
                                                                            type photos to the east coast  pub-
        18  DRUMMER  DADDIES                                                lishers.  Colt's !>!UH  is  seldom found
            More father  Jnd 'on types to rake you under rhe-ir wings and rahe   in  gay~owned publira1ions anyway.
            you 10 be a  rcv>ectful,  obt:'diefll  \On ,  or even a11  obedient dad 1
                                                                            We have always f eh thar our people
        22  DRUMSTICKS  f U'>f  kiddms.                                     weren't  too  inter~ted in  a  maga-
        23  THE TENTH  war BY JOHN PRESTON                                  line they could ab5orh while stand-
            The .wtlior of Mr. Semon rf'turns wi1h an unuq1dl t.1/e about paying   ing at  the newsstand.
            the price of re1ec1ion.                                        1  We  had  an  interesting  reaction
                                                                            from  a  former  advenii;er who is  in
        33  KICKBOXER- THE  CONCLUSION  Mako'~  tale  of profeHional        the phone-se)( business. He said he
            k1ckboxmg and SM explocfo~ a~ the gang make< a last play for power
            and tough dechlons Jre reach~d ouhicle the ring.                got calls from his ads in DRUMMER,
                                                                            but usually they had just come. pre-
        41  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK  L1rry Townsend\ advicC' ancl conscnr.       ~umably from what they redd. Calls
        4l  GIVE  IT TO HIM!                                                from  the  other  mags  came  from
            A 'uper Drummer bonu~. the ab,olutc> SM catalog for the man who   guys  who  were  turned  on  and
            has  <'Vt•rythmg.  If you  rJn'r  find the  perfect  gift  for the perfect   needed someone 10 talk them into
         _  maHer or slave here, it just doesn't  C!XJ\l.                  an orgasm. We don't blame him for
        63  DRUMBEATS                                                      taking his  busin~s elsewhere
            The line form\ to  rile rear ... _l1_·n_e~up""-!---------,----   Our twenty-page .;ectlon is  filled
                                                                           wi1h what  i\ new in leather and we
        79  ORUM  The on-going adventure\ of Engli~h bref  011  the hoof.
                                                                           are delighted with the leatherwpp-
        83  DRUMMEDIA                                                      liers all over 1he country who partic-
            Pasolini  remembered,  fJlwell  denounced and  Yank  revealed .H   ipated.  lo  those  who  didn't.  we
            Drumm«?r cover" the movies, books and tl>e arh.               1 offer  a  free  ride  from  America's
        8!.._IOUGH CUSTOMERS  Something to sink your reetl> {or tool) mto   leather  mag•wne  that  will  be
                                                                           reflecting what our readers demand
        90  YOU ASKED  FOR ITJ  A  prime collection of the ~ruff our rea(/ef)   beginning with the January 1c;r,ue.
            have been asking for more of, or 10 bring back. or to enl¥ge.
        93  LONDON LEATHER  The MSC Londo11~<>tJ a run.
        94  UATHER BULLETIN BOARD  Somerhiug to do witli your mghh.
        95  CONRAP  Hol1dar behint/ b;m -----
        96  FORESKIN UPDATE  The be-ginning of a fa~cinJtm11 with skm.
        98  IN  PASSING  No .. . we//
            Cover  J\  modern vcn1n11  of tile man m  tliC'  irnn m,1\li: (from thP. PIP..l\Uf•'   tol IMIAI TAN
            Che~I rnlft.>ctm11),  phv10 by /rm Wil(ler. OpJ>Oslt..• 1>.ige:  btrOlct from  Tlw   IDJtlllfSfllO DIMCTllJI   flWUt HATFIELD
            11clllirC' Club, Inferno XI. phuw by lJrry  Towmenrl                      1•151"4~'8
         Copyr~hl 1!1120yAl1ERH41l l'llllUSHIN!i Alr11glillrnetvt0 fitplrtOl llllS '"•PU•!lt m•v be ltplOd11tlelw1lhOlllflllOI   CO'll  H\JllkG !:llllOll$  •  ran~ 5.lgA A!Wll! 1 l'~yflt
        ••11"1  pe1111ti1lf.ll  ftl)rp  Ille  pUl>h11e1  l'llOll  11e4 lllOl\lllly Of AllttJUll  Publ~ IS HoWOCl  Slrtcl  Sill f!AllCIKO   l'lltry 111 .. ~ ~'on l1111  f1J••  Onmu • ~ th.l•h:l
        C.lrloima94 I03  A •l1111ped  ult  ddru•ed •eWll\ r1 .-elope lllUSl 11uomiuny ull manuw1pt~ ~101 am! lll•orUlln v e   lol  111An
        lo !It •th•lled  Allern11r P1M1\ll!no Ciln auume no 1cspoos b1 •IY 101 Nlllfll dillllolGCd 01 IOsl  llllOUOh lilt 111111  Atty   f'l!Qf()Qlf,Vlltll!>  l~I PoUl~  Ol.OOQJ IQ, !I.II•  lttr ,
        111111.wlly btt- Chlo l<lt•1 l!'l'Uho0 Ill ORIJMM(R an41~IJHlf'l- t1C0011C1oltntll  ffi11rpu1ser111l•M'1l IPl!C#lnc:t OI   ""4>1a  1   IA•lllll  "°l~'' lltllo ShMI  1.Q; ,,.~ Pot\!
        •nv lllf1Dll Ill OIWMi.tER 11not10tie1.th1111 rtNaertl•hv~ ol lheu Lt•lllll preleimce A" rtkf\illllttCOllQeln1no1~• t11111er   VIC!OI  A  "1)11   ~ it  lira
        Fr.iletftily "10..14 bt tdd nstd lu Allttlllll• l'lit.111""'9 ii 11111  &bo;e \lll~d lfOIUS   AR!ISI~ Ci! ••kl  II<  I  lrll  LIAll  1.41  ~lllW l11t11rot  MUI
                                                                           °"U®IR  OllUMStlC,.S  llll!Wllt A IS  IOUf.11  CUSIO.
                                                                           MtRS  IOUC'.H  51111  Gl:ltlt.G  (lff  lll.1100'1 lf.AIH£11.
                                                                            tAl 'llR liOIU!OOt.  !lllU!.!  OlllJUMtll !'.U!Dl 10 GIJIOlS
                                                                            ~UIJMi.RAllT fOfljjf(•,1t1rltS   ¥ UA,.10MAl4  Hnlll ..
                                                                           PASlill<liil  ~ c;ll'if!Qlllffn.&llltiDI lfl>•olmtnlU;ll>C[ 30rtD
                                                                            ,  llllUl.ll.llR. tc'J~tr;t.1 1:lil2 ~ AllfllPIAI( P\Jl!LISHlllG'
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