Page 214 - Always Virginia
P. 214

202                                   Virginia Day Fritscher

                 Mr. and Mrs. B. Day, 517 South Church street [where Vir-
             ginia, George, and Jack also lived from 1938-1941 and where Jack
             was born], announced the marriage of their daughter Norine to
             Lieut. James T. Chumley, son of Alderman and Mrs. Thomas C.
             Chumley, 1231 South Clay Avenue, during a party and shower
             given last night at the home of the bride’s parents.
                 The date of the marriage, May 1, 1940, was revealed at the
             beginning of the evening, being concealed on tiny slips of paper
             in capsules attached to the tally cards.
                 The evening was spent playing cooty, first prize going to Mrs.
             Gail Entrikin and consolation prize to Miss Clara Ritter. The
             bride received many useful gifts. At the close of the evening dainty
             refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Day.
                 Lieut. and Mrs. Chumley left at noon Wednesday for Colum-
             bus, Ga.,where they will make their home. He is stationed in Fort
             Benning, Ga.
                 Those present at the announcement party were Misses Angela
             David, Jean Hoecker, Rosalind Hoecker, Rosemary Walsh [Harold
             Day’s wife-to-be], Frances Handy, Elizabeth Manz, Clara Ritter,
             Eustacia Ruyle, Mrs. Thomas C. Chumley, Mrs. Edward Chumley,
             Mrs. Leroy Gilpin, Mrs. George Fritscher [the bride’s only sister,
             Virginia], Mrs. Jay Mann, Mrs. James Day [Mildred Horn], Mrs.
             Jesse Garner, Mrs. Eugene Lee, Mrs. Forest Crouse, Mrs. Kenneth
             Kinser, Mrs. Richard Wade, Mrs. M. Dombrowa, Mrs. Elmore
             Sutter, Mrs. Gerald Hagen, Mrs. Nancy Lindley, Mrs. Gale En-
             trikin, Mrs. Bart Day, Mrs. William Hodgson, Mrs. Orville Cox,
             and Lieut. Chumley.
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