Page 30 - Part 2 Introduction to Telemedicine
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SVMIC Introduction to Telemedicine
Parity Laws for Commercial Insurers
According to a November 2016 NBC Nightly News report , over 30
states had adopted some form of telemedicine payment parity law.
These require commercial insurers to cover certain telemedicine
visits that are comparable to the level of service as an office visit.
Healthcare is communication. Telemedicine, or telehealth, is just a
logical extension of the electronic network that has become
pervasive throughout the world. In its early days, the idea of a “TV
doctor” was a novelty, and regulators and payers struggled to
differentiate television medicine from the “regular” kind and build
standards for it. This narrow view utterly failed to anticipate the
explosion of applications that have erupted from a pool of creative
developers and the speed of their adoption.
Law always lags technology. Once again, we are dealing with
regulatory mechanisms and rules meticulously negotiated to solve
problems that society has already progressed beyond. Luckily,
healthcare is notoriously slow at incorporating new inventions into
its routines. As we think collectively about the implications of
merging e-communication into the medical workflow, we will need
to adapt technical, legal and administrative processes to deal with
the benefits and hazards this will bring. We probably have roughly
one generation before it’s an entirely new game.
11. NBC Nightly News, Growing U.S. Telemedicine Market Raises Questions About Cost (Nov. 24, 2016),
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