P. 2
Assalammualaikum wr, wb
Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin.. All praise to be Allah who has given us
mercies and blessings so that the E-Module can be finished. Sholawat and salutation
always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from Jahiliyah
era into Modern era.
This E-Module is arranged according to the core competence and basic
competence accrodance to 2013 curriculum in procedure text material. The writer
believes this E-Module can be a teaching material in writing procedure text for the
third grade students of senior high school. The writer develop this E-Module based
on traditional food of Kuantan Singingi as one of acpects in local wisdom. It
proposed that students are interesting in learning English and in developing the
character of the students.
The last but not least, the writer says thank you very much to everyone who
has helped the writer in compiling this E-Module. The writer realized that there are
many mistakes and lackness in this E-Module. Because of that, critics and
suggestions are needed to make this E-Module better.
Wassalammualaikum, wr. wb
Pekanbaru, June 2022
Sri Indrawati
Writing Procedure Text