Page 19 - The Interest of America in Sea Power Present and Future
P. 19
August, 1890.
INDICATIONS are not wanting of an ap-
proaching change in the thoughts and
policy of Americans as to their relations with
the world outside their own borders. For the
past quarter of a century, the predominant idea,
which has asserted itself successfully at the
polls and shaped the course of the govern-
ment, has been to preserve the home market
for the home industries. The employer and
the workman alike have been taught to look
at the various economical measures proposed
from this point of view, to regard with hostility
any step favoring the intrusion of the foreign
producer upon their own domain, and rather to
demand increasingly rigorous measures of ex-
clusion than to acquiesce in any loosening of
the chain that binds the consumer to them.