Page 4 - How do I Update Project FA Department Distribution?
P. 4

How to Update Project FA Department Distribution

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        7.  In the Department field enter the appropriate department ID that receives the FA offset.

        8.  In the Percentage Pledged enter in the Percent.

            The percentage pledged should total 100. If split FA offset continue to step 9
        9.  Click the plus (+) button to add additional Department Percentage rows.

        10.  Repeat steps 7 – 8 until the total pledged = 100.
        11.  Click the Save button.

        The Department Info should be the ONLY information updated on this page. FA Revenue offset department should
        always have a NEW Effective Dated Row for ALL changes.

        Need Additional Help?

                     For additional help, please contact the Finance Support Center in one of two ways:
                         Phone:  404-727-7000 Mondays| 9:00 am – noon; Tuesday – Friday| 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

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