Page 1 - How Do I Refund an Item for Payment
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How do I Refund an Item for Payment
How do I Refund an Item for Payment?
There will be some instances where Emory may need to refund a sponsor’s overpayment. An award may have
received payment in advance of expenses and must refund excess payments. AR to AP refunds automate the
process by allowing the transaction to originate in AR and a payment sent to the Customer (Grant Sponsor)
from AP. A Refund Request form will be initiated from the department, RAS or FGC and routed for the
appropriate approvals.
The configuration assumptions to successfully perform a refund from AR to AP are listed below:
The system must be configured to link the customer in receivables and the supplier in payables. If the link cannot be verified,
you must stop the refund process and contact the AR Specialist.
Grants have added reason codes to the existing refund entry type (RC). This will enable a user to quickly see why a refund was
issued without having to search through backup documentation.
Emory has configured refund limits based on UserID where you cannot exceed the amount. If your user preferences are not
set up, you will not be able to issue a refund at all.
Navigator > Customer > Customer Information > General Information
Steps To Be Completed
A. Build the Maintence Worksheet
B. Identify the Item to Be Refunded
Review Supplier Link to Customer
1. Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
1 2. Enter the Business Unit. This value should
3. Enter the Customer ID. This is the
customer who is due the refund.
3 4. Click the Search button.
The General Info page displays.
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