Page 1 - How do I Update Data in Compass
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How do I Update Data in Compass?

               How do I Update Data in Compass?


               In Compass, you insert a row when updating information on an effective-dated page. You do
               not insert a row when updating data on a non-effective-dated page.

               Updating Data on an Effective-Dated Page

               The page shown above is effective-dated. Notice the scroll area displays “1 of 1”.

               To update information on an effective-dated page, you insert a new row into Compass by clicking the
               Add row button (plus sign).

               Notice that “1 of 2” now displays in the scroll area and the Effective Date defaults to the current date.
               You may need to change the date if the data becomes effective on a different date.

               When you insert a new row into an effective-dated table, the data from the current row is copied down
               to the new row. This way, you can make any necessary changes to the new row without wiping out data
               you are not going to change. In the example shown here, you could change the street address but leave
               the city, state, and zip code.

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