Page 14 - Summer 2024 -
P. 14
Banking Through the Eyes of a Young Professional
To be a young professional in today’s world can be both daun ng come true. This is especially
and exhilara ng. Each challenge presents an opportunity true for young people. A young
to take it, learn from it and leave it being a be er you. person in general wants to be
Stepping into the industry of banking was a bit of the able to keep track of their
same, a bit scary but very exci ng. I was filled with money, spend their money,
curiosity for an industry deeply rooted in tradi on yet one deposit money, and save their
that had to be adaptable to survive. An industry where money usually all through a
innova on meets tradi on. digital pla orm. If he or she can
download a free app on the app
Being new to banking, I quickly learned the strength of store that handles each of these
Elise Gasperecz is the
your founda on is only as strong as the strength of your capabili es, well done and Marketing Support Officer at
customer rela onships. It lies in its valued customers. done! First National Bankers Bank. A
Priori zing and understanding the needs of your Baton Rouge native who is
customers is vital, and every interac on is an opportunity Young professionals are se ng fairly new to the banking
to build trust. A er all, what is a bank without its the pace for new adapta ons industry. Elise is a member of
the collaboration team that
customers? And what is a rela onship without trust? and shi s in the banking world. created the white paper: “The
Most people may think a young Next generation of Banking”.
As we evolve, banking follows. In order to remain viable, person has a nega ve
banks have to constantly innovate to meet the needs of connota on towards banks in general or may not know
their customers. Technology. Technology. Technology. the intricacies of banking, but maybe that’s only because
What’s next to come in this digital landscape? Fast-paced banks are leaving young people out of the equa on?
technological advancements have transformed how, People my age want to be heard; I mean doesn’t
where, and why we manage our money. We want our everyone? The percep on of banking for someone like me
money where we le it and there when we need it. We is not only weighed by these societal norms and idea ons,
rely on banks each and every day to be there when we but also is heavily weighed upon whether or not banks are
need them and to be there even when we do not need making the stride to include us in the conversa on. A
them. Our confidence in our bank must remain high to group of young bankers at First Na onal Bankers Bank
remain loyal. addressed this very issue. A er a year of brainstorming
Most people, I think, do not think twice about how a bank and researching, we collaborated to create The Next
is able to perform all the ac ons they desire. They open a Genera on of Banking white paper. Scan or click the QR
checking account to deposit and withdraw and open a code to read.
savings account for their hopes and dreams to one day
A COMMUNITY BANKER | 14 | Summer 2024