Page 31 - Summer 2024 -
P. 31


         Is Your Organization Still Relevant?


                                                                There are probably hundreds of other
         As we previously wrote in an ar cle at the beginning of the
                                                                examples we could give and this is by no
         year, one of the themes we were hearing this year as it related to
                                                                means an exhaus ve list. But, if any or all
         strategic planning was “Survive  ll ’25!” As part of this regrouping and   of these hit close to home for your
         refocus on the organiza on itself, we believe it is important for   organiza on, it might be  me to engage in
         organiza ons, including the Board of Directors and management, to   some serious discussions about the
         consider a shi  in their thinking.  While a be er focus on shareholder   relevance of your organiza on.
         value con nues to be a primary concern, we believe the organiza on’s
         overarching obliga ons should shi  slightly from an absolute singular   As you look to cri cally assess whether   Philip Smith is Chairman &
         focus on increasing shareholder value to a more comprehensive focus   your organiza on is maintaining relevance,  CEO of Gerrish Smith Tuck,
         on “stakeholder” value.                                you might even consider looking at various  Consultants and Attorneys
                                                                aspects of your organiza on and honestly   an ACB Associate Member.
         The key cons tuents that make up your stakeholders s ll begin   asking if it is  me to take ac on to “pull   You may connect with
         primarily with a focus on stockholders and stockholder value. However,   the trigger or pull the plug.” By this, we   Philip at
         in the current environment, an organiza on should inten onally   mean it might be  me to finally take that   (901) 767-0900 or
         supplement the focus on shareholder value by also focusing on value   ac on you have always been thinking
         to customers, value to the organiza on’s communi es, and value to   about taking, or it might be  me to shut
         the organiza on’s employees.  Most organiza ons do inherently strive   down something you have been doing that
         for the crea on of value for each of these stakeholders, and we   is a drain to the organiza on.  That may
         encourage organiza ons to be inten onal about developing specific   mean finally pulling the trigger on ge ng
         strategies to do so.
                                                                that incen ve compensa on plan in place
         If the organiza on is providing value in each of these areas, then the   to incent your management team.  It may
         organiza on is well-posi oned to be able to maintain its independence   mean pulling the trigger to spend the
         well into the future, provided that it is also focusing on one other   money necessary to upgrade the IT
         cri cal area, which is con nuing to strive to maintain organiza onal   func ons across the bank and get your
         relevance.  In essence, the formula for success is that stakeholder value   organiza on in a compe  ve situa on
         plus relevance equals independence. Therefore, we believe it is   with the other banks in town.
         appropriate that part of the strategic direc on of an organiza on   On the other hand, it may be  me for the
         should be to address the ques on:  “Is my organiza on maintaining   board of directors or management to
         relevance?”  We suspect that for many organiza ons that ques on   make the difficult decision to lead the
         cannot fully be answered unless an addi onal ques on is asked:  “How   charge to pull the plug on those long-
         do you know, or measure, if you are maintaining relevance in each of   standing products and services that never   Charles Plunkett is an
         those areas?”  Consider some of the “tests” that are outlined below to   have and never will make a dime of money   attorney with Gerrish Smith
         help you determine if you are maintaining relevance. Some of these   for the bank.  It might be  me to pull the   Tuck, an ACB Associate
         are intended to be a li le humorous, but we believe they make the   plug on some ineffec ve management   Member.  You may connect
         point.  You might not be maintaining relevance if:                                           with Charles at
                                                                members who are simply unable or     (901) 767-0900 or
           Your bank s ll provides telephone banking, but does not offer   unwilling to pursue a new strategic
            online account opening;                             direc on or who would be be er served
                                                                working somewhere else.  It may be  me to pull the plug on
           None of the markets in which you are located are experiencing   unprofitable branch loca ons.  If the future holds new growth
            any actual growth;                                  prospects in other markets, it may be  me to deploy capital, resources
           You are building more branches, but you have not yet eliminated   and personnel to more produc ve areas rather than allowing non-
            Saturday lobby hours;                               performing areas to languish.
                                                                The chief focus for the organiza on is to be aware of these decision
           You s ll have a fax machine, but you do not have electronic   points.  By focusing on overall stakeholder value, you can more clearly
            signature products;
                                                                see the need for ac on in these areas.  The ques on is not whether
           You do not allow flexible work schedules or remote workers, but   you feel relevant today, it’s whether you think you will be relevant in
                                                                five years, and if not, what do you need to do from a shareholder,
            you do require  es;
                                                                customer, community and employee standpoint to maintain relevance.
           You allow “casual Fridays,” but you do not provide standing desks;   Now is a good  me to begin assessing those areas.
           All of your directors were born before the first mobile phone was
            introduced (1973);
           You offer unhealthy food and snacks to directors, but you have no
            director succession plan.

                                                 A  COMMUNITY BANKER   |    31    |       Summer 2024
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