Page 25 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 5
P. 25

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  5

                                  Oscar by Viv Levy, soft pastels, 2010. 15” x 10” (38 cm x 25 cm).

         In 2000 I was walking my Sloughi, Oscar              This was my first encounter of Viv Levy.
         and Lurcher, Jack on Hampstead Heath in               Oscar was a typical Sloughi, pretty off-
         London. They were off doing their own                hand with most people other than me and a
         thing as usual, in and out of the woods and          handful of chosen friends. He loved Viv on
         hedgerows. I suddenly heard a woman's                sight. For the rest of his life, if he spotted
         voice cry out "Is this your dog?"                    her as a pin prick in the distance, he would
                                                              shoot off to see her, running circles around

         I groaned inwardly. What mischief had they           her until stopping for some mutual
         been up to now?  A woman with a small                adoration.
         lurcher came crashing through the
         undergrowth followed by Oscar and Jack.              Viv asked if she could draw Oscar. Of
          She pointed at Oscar when she saw me                course. She initially did a beautiful portrait

         and repeated her question. "Yes", I                  of him with Jack. In 2004 she was holding
         tentatively replied. "He is the most                 an exhibition and once again asked if she
         beautiful dog I have ever seen!!!" she said.         could use Oscar as a model.
         "He has completely taken my breath away!"
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