Page 4 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 5
P. 4

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                         SLOUGHI PORTRAITS IN THE ARTS

                                 Saff, Sloughi study for a bronze, charcoal, 2017, by DL. Engle.
                                                 12” x 16” (30.5 cm x 40.5 cm).

         Across three centuries special Sloughis               After these enamels, representations from

         have inspired sculptors, engravers,                   the 20th and 21st centuries of Sloughis that
         painters, potters and mosaicists.                     their owners hold close to their hearts, are
                                                               presented in a variety of techniques such
         Their portraits are presented here, starting          as: oil, watercolors, pencil, ink, pastel,
         with antique representations from the 19th            charcoal, acrylic, mosaic, porcelain,
         and the beginning of the 20th centuries.              pottery, bronze and digital technique.
         These depictions convey how much certain

         Sloughis were already admired over 120 to             It was a pleasure to put all this beautiful
         150 years ago, where they came from and               artwork together for the magazine, thank
         how they looked like then.                            you all for participating and submitting
                                                               your treasures.
         They are followed by a special feature
         about enamelist Gisela Cook-Schmidt who               We hope you enjoy what you see here.

         was a founder of the Sloughi Fanciers
         Association of America, the association that          M.-Dominique Crapon de Caprona, Iowa,
         sponsors Sloughi Review.                              USA.
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