Page 4 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 4

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  4


                                      BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

           Welcome to the seventh issue of Sloughi             The second is clarifying aspects of the
           Review which presents three different               Sloughi conformation and temperament

           contributions.                                      for American judges, many of which have
                                                               never judged a Sloughi and in some
           The first honors the Sloughis that have             cases have been given wrong
           been inducted since 2003 in the                     information or have had bad experience
           American Sighthound Field Association’s             with Sloughis in the show ring.
           Hall of Fame. These Sloughis had set
           milestones for the breed in the field of            Finally, Thomas Liedtke addresses the

           lure coursing in the USA as early as 1996.          linguistical confusion between the
           They were together with other Sloughis              words "Sloughi" and "Saluki", the
           instrumental in getting their breed                 resulting confusion between the 2
           recognized in American lure coursing at a           breeds, and sets it in historical context.
           time the breed was not recognized by the            A well-researched and very valuable
           American Kennel Club, and they should               contribution regarding what a Sloughi is

           not be forgotten.                                   and what a Sloughi is not, and a
                                                               suggestion as to how it should best be

                                                               Wishing all good reading.
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