Page 54 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 54
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 5 4
Although the event was just a small national We also invited competitors to a ringside
specialty show, I had the great feeling of an party serving some refreshments inspired
international event due to the number of by Maghreb cooking. We are now looking
participants bred in cooperation of export, forward to next year’s annual show at
import and breeding of at least 8 countries; Strömsholm’s Castle and a 3-day specialty
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, USA, France, Italy, show, the Skokloster Summer Show at the
Germany, and Sweden. end of July and of course to another
Placing of females del Khazaris Jinani, Tillieville Ulillit, del Khazaris Jezida bint Jessim and
Hanifa bint Jessim Mahanajim © Sundell