Page 20 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 20

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 0

                                          THE MIERTJE CUP

                                            ELS SIEBEL - THE NETHERLANDS
                                      ALL PHOTOS FROM THE AUTHOR'S ARCHIVE

               Left: the Miertje Cup, with brass plates of the winners on its handle. Right: the emblem of the NVOW.

          At the general assembly of the NVOW                     So, she decided to capture and preserve
          (Dutch Club for Oriental Sighthounds) on                that "specialness". She bred a litter with
          February 22, 1986, the antique copper                   Amira and her brother Illa'al el Cid. A

          pouring jug was presented by Mrs. den                   pedigree was requested for 1 male and 4
          Ouden as an annual challenge prize for the              females. Only three females from this
          best Sloughi bitch at the club’s show, in               litter really matured.
          memory of Foundation Sloughia Amira el
          Cid (March 11 1973- January 30 1986)                    The NVOW emblem, as seen for example

                                                                  on the front of the club magazine, depicts
          Indeed, Amira is the matriarch of about                 one of these sisters (possibly Zahèr,
          three-quarters of the Dutch Sloughis.                   otherwise it is Tefèh). Amira's daughter
                                                                  Bluedon's Zaherit Eltofah (Tefèh) became
          Amira, aka Miertje, was one of a litter of 13           the matriarch of the of Mumtaz-I-
          puppies, whelped on March 11, 1973, by                  Javanadmi Sloughis. Another daughter,
          Sahib de la Ruine (French owned), out of                PWCA Mohamed Nagla, became the
          Djamiela (import from Libya), and bred by               matriarch of the Kamar al Akbar kennel.

          Mrs. van Duyvenboode - Varkevisser.
                                                                  After Mrs. Donath passed away in June
          As a puppy Amira went to Mrs. Donath -                  1975, Amira moved to the van Ommen
          Seeuwen, a well-known breeder and judge                 Kloeke family. They registered her at dog
          with the kennel name Bluedon's. Mrs.                    shows and soon she was Dutch Champion.

          Donath was very enthusiastic about
          Miertje, she was so special, so different....
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