Page 33 - Powered Industrial Trucks
P. 33

P3 Safety Solutions, LLC                                   Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators (1910.178)

        Considerations and General Rules of Thumb

        Aisles of adequate width should be provided for efficient material handling operations. Note that 3-foot
        dedicated pedestrian aisles and in-plant trailer drop-off zones are incremental to these numbers.

        General Aisle Recommendations

        Pedestrians entering the aisle from critical areas, including stairways, vestibules, offices, canteens,
        cafeterias, locker rooms, restrooms, employee entrances, etc., should enter the aisle moving parallel
        to aisle traffic. Using barriers such as railings or guardrails may accomplish this. Under no condition
        should this impede emergency egress from the building.

        Cross aisles should be provided at least every 500 feet (152.4m).

        Perimeter aisles should be located a minimum of 4 feet (1.2m) away from the wall to permit safe
        pedestrian  access  to  the  aisles  and  access  to  emergency fire-fighting  equipment  (e.g., hoses  and
        extinguishers, mains, plumbing, power boxes, light switches, etc.) that may be located on a perimeter

        Service aisles permit egress for mobile service equipment. They are not designated for the movement
        of materials. Service aisles are typically 8 feet (2.4m) wide but may be wider if needed for service

        Overhead clearance in aisles used for the movement of production materials should be a minimum of
        12 feet to allow for the unobstructed movement of trailer trains

        Visual Factory (A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place)

        •  Establish  and  identify  Pedestrian-only  Aisles  and  Pedestrian/Powered  Industrial-Truck  Shared
        •  Establish Powered Industrial-Truck only Aisles.

        Identify Pedestrian restricted areas
        Identify vehicle and equipment parking and charging areas, (with yellow markings, department number
        and  powered  industrial  truck  number).  It  is  recommended  that  all  in-plant  vehicles  operate  with
        headlights on.

                       Shared Pedestrian and PMHV Aisles - Minimum Aisle Width

        "No stock" signs should be posted near aisle intersections and in areas where dunnage creates blind

        All pedestrians gaining access to a production facility using powered industrial trucks should be given
        a brief training session.

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