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        T H A T   I N C R E A S E   A T H L E T I C   P E R F O R M A N C E

        01 Deadlift                           02 Backsquat                            03 Hang Clean

        Sport is generally recognised         These articles are form                However, a number of
        as system of activities which         Wikipedia, this definition, and        competitive, but non-physical,
        are based in physical                 other organisations such as            activities claim recognition as
        athleticism or physical               the Council of Europe using            mind sports. The International
        dexterity, with the largest           definitions precluding                 Olympic Committee (through
        major competitions such as            activities without a physical          ARISF) recognises both chess
        the Olympic Games admitting           element from classification as         and bridge as bona fide sports,
        only sports meeting.                  sports or a health benefit.            and SportAccord.

       04 Ball Throw                          05 Open Ball                           06 Leg Stretch

       Sport are all usually forms of         Usually the contest or game is         Contests may be arranged in a
       competitive physical activity or       between two sides, each                tournament producing a
       games which, through casual            attempting to exceed the               champion. Many sports
       or organised participation, aim        other. Some sports allow a tie         leagues make an annual
       to use, maintain or improve            game; others provide tie-              champion by arranging games
       physical ability and skills while      breaking methods, to ensure            in a regular sports season,
       providing enjoyment to                 one winner and one loser. A            followed in some cases by
       participants and players.              number of such two-sided               playoffs hundreds of sports
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