Page 7 - From the desk of HR March 2020 Edited
P. 7
7. Annual vacation
Full Attendance Program
8. Regular day off or substituted day off
Associates, who are assigned to benefit level III and
The Full Attendance program is calculated over a
IV as per their contract, and who have completed 2
yearly period. It is calculated starting January 1st
months based on the grid seen below of full
and ending December 31st, where the accumulated
attendance as scheduled, will be credited with 1 day days are granted to the Associate in off days. For
off with pay, according to the following stipulations: each 2 months based on the grid seen below, one off
a) Full Attendance days will NOT be credited in case of: day is granted to the associate, as per the following
1. Sickness days of any description
2. Unauthorized absenteeism for any period time, including No Full Attendance can be taken after expiration period of 90
exceeding time off granted for personal matters days unless otherwise approved. For more information see
3. Disciplinary suspension your department head, supervisor or an HR representative.
4. Leave of Absence
1 January – 1 Full Expires May
5. Extra off requested by associate February Attendance
6. Personal Time Off
2 March – April 1 Full Attend- Expires July
7. Reporting late/tardiness ance
b) The following circumstances will not affect the 3 May – June 1 Full A Expires September
associate’s right to full attendance days (proper
4 July – August 1 Full Expires November
documentation is required): Attendance
5 September – 1 Full Expires January (the
1. Extra days off given due to lack of business.
October Attendance following year)
2. Two days off for death in the family 6 November- 1 Full Expires March (the
3. Two days off for marriage of associate or associate’s December Attendance following year)
4. Two days off for birth of associate’s child (male)
5. One day off for moving (once a year)
6. Official Holidays