Page 114 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 114



           Miniature Pinschers

              in the


                                                                           by Di Stark BVMS MRCVS

           Miniature Pinschers in the UK are generally very    the ring.
           healthy little dogs,especially considering that,
           until the last few years, the gene pool has been    In recent years, however, there has been a huge
           very small.                                         rise in the number of breeders who are not in
                                                               the showing community and who do not belong
           Although a few individual dogs were brought         to either of the breed clubs. They are either
           into the country before World War II, the most      unaware of any problems in the breed or they
           important imports came in after the war up to       choose to ignore them. Because the incidence
           about the mid-fifties. These dogs came from         of the problem is low, it is not considered to be
           Europe and the United States. After that time,      a problem by the Kennel Club so that these
           due mainly to the quarantine rules, there were      breeders do not realise that it is in their own
           very few imports so that most of the Min Pins in    interest to screen their stock The rise of social
           the UK were fairly closely related. Despite that,   media means that it is not unusual to see posts
           the breed stayed healthy but in the 70s and 80s     offering dogs at stud, and when members of
           there were many cases of patella luxation, most     the breed club committees ask if these dogs
           of which could be traced to one particular stud     are health tested we are told that there is not
           dog. It was not unusual in those days to see        a problem because the Kennel Club does not
           dogs being shown that were demonstrating the        require testing.
           characteristic hopping action and several dogs
           sported scars in the stifle area.                   Although patella luxation may not be a
                                                               numerically serious problem due to breeders’
           The breed could have developed a serious            vigilance, it is a very serious problem for any
           problem but the show breeders who produced          affected dog and their owner.
           the majority of the breed, began to acknowledge
           that there was a problem and over the last few      It is unfortunately not uncommon to see posts
           years the show breeding community has taken         on social media referring to young puppies that
           the concept of screening their breeding stock       have already had surgery on slipping patellas.
           very much to heart.                                 When asked, none of these dogs have been
                                                               bred by known breeders and the owners are
           The breed clubs, the Miniature Pinscher Club        completely unaware of patella testing.  Attempts
           of Great Britain, and the newly formed Scottish     by caring breeders to educate are at best
           Miniature pinscher Club, maintain a database of     ignored or at worst , challenged. The breed
           dogs that have been screened for patella fitness    clubs recommend that potential puppy buyers
           using the Putnam System, which is easy, quick       ask to see proof of patella testing .
           and does not require sedation or anaesthesia,
           and now it is very rare to see an affected dog in   We are also getting reports that young puppies,

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