Page 24 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
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will be stored in the mammary glands and this in    the long chain fatty acid Docosahexaenoic Acid
           turn will help the bitch produce the best quality   (DHA) during pregnancy is not only important for
           colostrum – or first milk – for her newborns.  In   development of  good vision but also supports
           addition  to this, a high-quality diet  containing   brain  health  and development  and can even
           antioxidants  has also  been  shown  to boost       help puppies become more ‘trainable’!
           antibody  production,  which  is  a  huge  benefit
                                                               On a practical note, feeding a high quality and
           because - as previously mentioned - neonatal
           immunity is very poor.  The puppy must build        highly digestible diet - meaning that there is less
                                                               waste produced, better quality faeces and more
           its own immunity from the antibodies passed in
                                                               energy-dense  meals - is always a good idea
           colostrum. The better the colostrum, the more
                                                               and never more so than when you are planning
           antibodies  and the better the ‘ingredients’,  if
                                                               a pregnancy.  Avoid the temptation to feed more
           you like, to support the development of a strong
           immune system in the puppies.  Colostrum is         calories until the bitch reaches the third trimester
                                                               because, being pack animals, dogs have
           only produced for around 48 hours and without
                                                               evolved to not need any additional calories until
           it  a puppy is unable to  build good, strong
                                                               this time.  Once in the third trimester, the calorie
           immunity.    Thankfully,  there is a colostrum
                                                               demands increase rapidly and with less space
           replacer  available  which is enriched  with
           antibodies and can be used if the bitch is unable   to put food due to rapidly growing foetuses, the
                                                               best way to achieve this is to feed very energy-
           to feed her progeny for any reason.  To ensure
                                                               dense meals little and often.  By feeding  the
           the  efficacy  of  this  colostrum  replacement,  it
                                                               bitch the right diet it makes it entirely possible
           must be fed within the first two days of life and
                                                               to get her all the way through pregnancy without
           therefore be readily available for the breeder to
           act immediately upon any suckling issues.           losing either body or coat condition.
                                                               In summary,  there are many factors to
           There is also robust evidence  that  folic acid
           supplements given to the bitch from the onset       consider when preparing a  bitch for  mating
                                                               and pregnancy, breeders should make nutrition
           of heat right through to day 40 of pregnancy
                                                               one of their top priorities to give them the best
           significantly reduces the risk of cleft palate and/or
                                                               chance of bringing a full litter of healthy, thriving
           cleft lip in newborn puppies, so it is recommended
                                                               puppies into the  world and ensuring that  the
           that a diet including elevated folic acid levels is
           fed pre-pregnancy (Domosławska et al., 2013).       dam remains in the best of health  throughout
                                                               the entire process.
           Many studies (Kelly et al., 2004, Loritzen et al.,
           2001) have also shown that supplementation of

           Corbee RJ. (2013) Obesity in show dogs. J Anim      pies and elevates folic acid blood levels in pregnant
           Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2013 Oct;97(5):904-10. doi:   bitches. Pol J Vet Sci. 2013;16(1):33-7. doi: 10.2478/
           10.1111/j.1439-0396.2012.01336.x. Epub 2012 Aug     pjvs-2013-0005. PMID: 23691573
           11.                                                  Kelley, RL. Canine Reproduction: What should we
           Davies RH, Lawes JR, Wales AD (2019) Raw diets      expect? In: Reinhart, G.A., Carey D.P., eds. Recent
           for dogs and cats: a review, with particular reference   Advances in Canine and Feline Nutrition, Volume III.
           to microbiological hazards.. J Small Anim Pract. 2019   Wilmington, OH: Orange Frazier Press, 2000; 225-
           Jun;60(6):329-339. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13000. Epub    242.
           2019 Apr 26. PMID: 31025713                         Kelley, RL., AJ Lepine, J Ruffing, T. Vennard, and GA
           Domosławska A, Jurczak A, Janowski T.  (2013) Oral   Reinhart. (2004)
           folic acid supplementation decreases palate and/
           or lip cleft occurrence in Pug and Chihuahua pup-

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