Page 41 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 41
Championship Showmpionship Show
With these dark times in the world the show site there is plenty of room for small
Committee of Blackpool Championship pop-up tents gazebo’s no larger than 6ft
show decided to apply to The Kennel x 6ft and you must bring your own chairs
Club for the dates of 25th - 27th so there will be no cross contamination,
September 2020 to hopefully hold our so plenty of room for social distancing on
show. As we wanted to try and put the site.
mojo back into the world of dogs and
Entry will open on Fosse Data Website
hopefully give us all something to focus
on Monday 10th August for 3 weeks
on and look forward to. Hopefully more
only, there will be no printed schedules
shows will follow.
available as this is not cost effective and
This has not been easy by any means, there are no shows to distribute them. If
as most of you know this takes a lot of you don’t have access to a computer
planning and hard work to reschedule a don’t worry you can use any entry form
championship show. We have contacted and you can call 07807494298 for class
judges, trade stands, Stewards, suppliers numbers and any other information
and food vendors to see if they are happy required.
to participate in our 2020 show. Whilst
K9 News are running an online poll
most of the judges have confirmed
on their Facebook page and would
they are willing to join us, some have
appreciate you casting you vote if you
not been able to due to prior events or
will be attending the show so we can get
appointment’s and most trade stands
some feel for attendance.
and food vendors are looking forward
to joining us. We do respect and totally We now have a big ask of our fellow
understand that some people are not societies, exhibitors and friends. To make
happy to possibly put themselves or all this possible to happen we need your
elderly family members at risk and we help on the days of the show. We all need
look forward to seeing you back with us in to pull together as ‘The World of Pedigree
2021. dogs’ needs to work as a team to pull us
forward into the future if you can help this
We are still mindful of the situation in
would be gratefully received. You can
the world so we will be putting in place
make contact with the secretary by email:-
temperature taking on arrival, plenty of
hand sanitizer dispensers around the
show ground and constant cleaning and Michaela Hall (assistant secretary)
sanitising of toilets. As we have a 12 acre