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                                                21 - Best in Show at the 2017 championship show was awarded
                                                to Mr P Myers’ Bullmastiff CH OLD MANILA’S WHISKY MAC
                                                FOR OPTIMUS JW

                                                22 - Reserve Best Puppy in Show in 2017 was Mrs R
                                                Mr B Reddin & Williams’ Portuguese Water Dog RARJO
                                                QUICKSILVER seen here with the Best in Show judge Richard

                                   24           23 – The 2018 Best Veteran in Show winner was Miss P M
                                                Hales’ Border Collie SH CH LACEWAY LONE RANGER JW
                                                pictured here with the judge Mr Colin Reed.

                                                24 - The Kennel Club’s Working Breeders’ Competition in 2019
                                                was won by Charlotte John’s CHARDICEA Alaskan Malamutes
                                                and are seen with the judge Rae Parry.

                                                25 - Reserve Best in Show at the 2016 championship show
                                                was Mrs A, Miss N Kirkwood & Carruthers’ Samoyed CH
                                                VANDREEM IMPERIAL CRUZ pictured here with the judge Mrs
                                   25           S Hewart-Chambers. and Lucy Carter of Royal Canin.

                                                26 - Best in show at the Working and Pastoral Breeds
                                                Association of Wales Championship show in 2016 was Mrs B,
                                                Mrs C & Mr G Mair, Hartley-Mair & Dybdall’s Bernese Mountain
                                                Dog MEADOWPARK HIGH CLASS pictured here with the judge
                                                Mrs S Hewart-Chambers. and Lucy Carter of Royal Canin.


                                                                                    Photos by
                                                                                    Alan V Walker

                                              K9 NEWS DIGITAL / MAY 2021
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